
In memoriam Borut Ražem

  • Maarten Brock

    Maarten Brock - 2014-01-25

    Hello all,

    I have some sad news.

    You may have noticed that Borut Ražem, one of our developers, hasn't posted to the SDCC project in quite some time. I regret to inform you that this is due to him losing a two year fight against cancer. Borut died last month without any of us knowing at the time, which explains the late news.

    I guess I speak for all developers when I say we will miss him dearly. He has done lots of good work for SDCC (and also gputils) and has helped many of us.

    I kindly ask you all to reply only in this forum. This way we can keep all replies together and it is easier for his family to read them too.

    Kind regards,
    Maarten Brock

    • George Oikonomou

      R.I.P. and many thanks for making my job easier and my hobbies more fun through your contributions.

      I suggest the next SDCC release be codenamed Borut (+1 if it's already being discussed).

  • Maarten Brock

    Maarten Brock - 2014-01-25

    Yes, forgot to mention that we already decided to dedicate the next release to Borut.

  • Raphael Neider

    Raphael Neider - 2014-01-25

    Oh, this is sad news indeed. My sincere condolences to Borut's family.
    Borut has done so much good for the project and has generously offered his help and advice to the community as well as to his fellow developers. His engagement, e.g., as release manager of numerous releases, has certainly helped making SDCC and gputils the successful projects they currently are.
    Thank you, Borut! We will miss you.

  • feqin fan

    feqin fan - 2014-01-25

    I'm very sorry to hear this.
    Thanks for your work, Borut, and Best regards to your family.

  • Alain Portal

    Alain Portal - 2014-01-25

    I'm really sad to hear a such new...
    RIP Borut.

  • Dave McGuire

    Dave McGuire - 2014-01-25

    I'm saddened to hear of Borut's passing. I very much enjoyed working with him, and I appreciate his contributions greatly. I did not know him very well personally, but from my conversations with him over the past few years, I believe him to have been a genuinely good person.

    I am pleased to know that there will be an SDCC release dedicated to him. I think that is a very good idea.

    R.I.P. Borut, and thank you. We will miss you.

  • Alain Portal

    Alain Portal - 2014-01-25

    I propaged this sad new on some Fedora and Kicad lists...

    I wish the next gputils release is dedicated to him...

  • Woody

    Woody - 2014-01-26

    Shocked on the news. Borut was always helpful with my stupid questions, we will miss him.

  • Bastiaan van Kesteren

    Wow, sad news indeed. My sincere condolences to the family..

    I didn't know Borut personally, but did sometimes mail with him about SDCC ang gputils. He was always helpful and quick to respond; he will be missed.

  • wek

    wek - 2014-01-26

    Sad to hear that.

    RIP Borut

  • Bodo Wenzel

    Bodo Wenzel - 2014-01-26

    A brave man left this world. If you can read this, Borut, thank you very much for what you have done for SDCC and where ever you helped others.

    My condolences to family and friends.

  • Claude Sylvain

    Claude Sylvain - 2014-01-26

    My condolences to the Borut's family.

    Rest in peace Borut.

    From a SDCC user,
    Claude Sylvain

  • Diego Herranz

    Diego Herranz - 2014-01-26

    Really sad news...

    My sympathies to his family.


  • Gál Zsolt

    Gál Zsolt - 2014-01-26

    Rest in peace. He gave his knowledge to everybody. I try to follow him in this way. He was very helpful when I asked him. Thank you for it.

  • Erik Petrich

    Erik Petrich - 2014-01-28

    Borut has been contributing to SDCC since 2002, a year or so before I started, so it has seemed to me like he has always been here. While he has contributed to the project in so many ways, I would like to highlight the daily snapshot builds. It is his scripting wizardry that coordinates a dozen computers around the world to work together to provide users with up-to-date binary executables for a variety of platforms on a daily basis.

    If you weren't aware, he also composed and played music. There are a number of videos on YouTube of him performing as part of the group Vsakič drugače. For example, he is the featured guitarist in this video:

    I thank Borut for his words of encouragement to me over the years, and offer my condolences to his family.

  • Roy Rankin

    Roy Rankin - 2014-01-28

    I am sending out the following on the gpsim development list

    It is with great sorrow that I must report that Borut Ražem has passed away. ( see

    Borut has played a major role in providing code for gpsim with his last contribution dated 2013-10-28; and he often responded to peoples questions on this list which were always helpful.
    He provided the Windows binary package which was always built and put up on the web site in a day or so of a new release, so I never had to worry about it.
    Borut also would give me valuable feedback about my work on gpsim and the release process.
    Without Borut, gpsim would not be where it is and he will be greatly missed by me and the gpsim project.

    Borut was also a major contributor the SDCC and gputils projects.

    We will miss you Borut Ražem.

    Roy Rankin

  • Scott Dattalo

    Scott Dattalo - 2014-01-30

    Borut was not only an invaluable developer for SDCC, gpsim, and gputils, he was a genuinely good guy. Most of us never met Borut or even knew what he look liked, but his consistently kind demeanor radiated. I've had many, many discussions with Borut over the years and I never recall him getting upset or even the least bit frustrated. Back in 2005, Borut helped me deal with a work related issue regarding Linux <-> Windows. Our company sent him an iPod for recognition of his efforts. In the midst of a terse discussion in an email aptly titled 'gpsim issues', I ask:

    PS. Have you gotten any good use out of the iPod.

    to which he responds:

    I have to admit that the main user of iPod is my son. :-))

    Echoing Roy's sentiments, gpsim would never have had a Windows port without Borut. We'll miss his contributions. We'll miss Borut.

    Scott Dattalo

  • Patryk

    Patryk - 2014-02-04

    Really hard to believe, such people should live forever...
    I remember his care for the quality of each SDCC release. Let's hope he finally finds some working terminal up there - and be around when something happens to the snapshot builds :-)

  • Steven Borley

    Steven Borley - 2014-04-05

    Shocked to hear about Borut. Why always the good?
    I feel honoured to have known him

  • Molnár Károly

    Molnár Károly - 2014-05-01

    Today I released version 1.3.0-RC1 of the gputils. I salute with this before the memory of Borut Ražem.


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