
#2399 Code Generator Internal Error When Use __sfr on Z80 If "--reserve-regs-iy" is Specified

Tom Li

Tested Version

z80 3.5.2 #9283 (Linux, snapshot)


Simple read/write operations on a __sfr, can crash the compiler easily when "--reserve-regs-iy" is specified.

Building the following code

__sfr __at 0x06 bank_a_page;

static unsigned char page_current;

int main(void)
    page_current = bank_a_page;
    bank_a_page = page_current;

    return 0;


$ sdcc debug.c -o debug -mz80 --reserve-regs-iy

leads to

debug.c:10: error 9: FATAL Compiler Internal Error in file '../../../src/z80/gen.c' line number '737' : code generator internal error
Contact Author with source code
debug.c:10: error 9: FATAL Compiler Internal Error in file '../../../src/z80/gen.c' line number '742' : Trying to assign a value to a literal
Contact Author with source code
debug.c:10: error 9: FATAL Compiler Internal Error in file '../../../src/z80/gen.c' line number '737' : code generator internal error
Contact Author with source code
debug.c:10: error 9: FATAL Compiler Internal Error in file '../../../src/z80/gen.c' line number '742' : Trying to assign a value to a literal
 Contact Author with source code
ld_cost op1: AOP_HL, op2: 4ld_cost op1: AOP_HL, op2: 4


  • alvin

    alvin - 2016-05-24

    Small bump to indicate the bug is still present for the z80 in 3.5.6 #9605 (MINGW64).

    __sfr __at 0x1f IO8;               // 8-bit i/o port at 0x1f
    __sfr __banked __at 0xfbfe IO16;   // 16-bit i/o port at 0xfefe
    volatile unsigned char a;
    void main(void)
       a = IO8;       // read port IO8
       IO8 = 100;     // write port IO8
       a = IO16;      // read port IO16
       IO16 = 200;    // write port IO16

    sdcc -mz80 -S --reserve-regs-iy test.c

    ld_cost op1: AOP_HL, op2: 4ld_cost op1: AOP_HL, op2: 4ld_cost op1: AOP_HL, op2: 4ld_cost op1: AOP_HL, op2: 4
    zzzz.c:13: error 9: FATAL Compiler Internal Error in file '/home/sdcc-builder/build/sdcc-build/orig/sdcc/src/z80/gen.c' line number '740' : code generator internal error
    Contact Author with source code

    The bug only occurs for reading the i/o port into a global variable. If "a" is made local, there is no error. The difference is in the latter case, the result of the port read can be stored in an ix-indexed location whereas in the former case, sdcc insists on using iy to point at "a" and store the result which it can't do with "--reserve-regs-iy".

  • Erik Petrich

    Erik Petrich - 2016-08-05
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • assigned_to: Erik Petrich
  • Erik Petrich

    Erik Petrich - 2016-08-05

    Fixed in [r9711]


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