
#7152 Strange Mouse Cursor Bug

SCUMM unsorted

Theres a strange cursor bug at least in the ScummVM Version 1.9.0git1057-g25af06b on Windows 7 64bit.

Whenever a game is not real 4:3 (not natively or not aspect ratio corrected), the cursor can be moved down below the screen area (it treats the not used area as existing), but can be moved back into the screen area. If using a higher filter (like hq3x), the same goes for the right side, but never for up or left.

This one is quite perplexing and didn't happen before. This even goes for the main menu at that (which clearly makes it a rendering bug). None of this strange behavior happens if aspect ratio correction is turned on.


  • Joachim Henkel

    Joachim Henkel - 2016-06-20

    Addendum: Also happens with the newest build. Disappears if you enable and then disable aspect ratio correction, but re-appears at next start of ScummVM with turned-off aspect correction.

  • Bastien Bouclet

    Bastien Bouclet - 2016-06-26

    I got this one today with the OpenGL backend and SDL 1.2. SDL was sending events with the mouse coordinates clipped to the window size of the launcher instead of the current window size.