
Scrupp v0.4 released

I'm pleased to announce the release of Scrupp v0.4.

The main features new in this release:

  1. The inclusion of the cairo binding lua-oocairo by Geoff Richards. The original website of this binding is no longer available, but Scrupp includes the complete source and documentation.

  2. The inclusion of LuaSocket by Diego Nehab.

  3. The support of MPEG-1 videos.

Further changes:

- using autotools for easier compilation and installation on Linux
- text interface supports UTF8 strings (Michal Kolodziejczyk)
- Lua commands 'dofile' and 'require' support the virtual filesystem
- new functions to manipulate the OpenGL state:
  translate, scale, rotate, save, restore and reset the state
- support for image loading from strings (e.g. received via network)
Posted by Andreas Krinke 2009-09-06

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