
arschlesinger going on vacation, again

Hello again!

This is arschlesinger. I have been working as hard as I can on scriptOE-Core('s name.) And I have made good advances in making it totally independant, not to mention shorter. After I complete this functionality, everything else(including script runners, and misc functions) will be a module. All this will do is accept a script and parse it for script type(maybe.)

Well, this stuff all sounds good, but unfortunately(or fortunately for me) I am taking a family vacation to Spain. I found an old Hyperdata laptop, so I might bring that and install Peanut Linux on it so that I can maybe work on it and test it while I'm gone!!! That would be awesome, yes, but there is a low chance that everything will work out. bummer.....

More good news...I probably will be picking this project up as an independant study at school, when it starts. So I will be able to work on it every day for about 50 uninterrupted minutes. So instead of the scriptOE slowing down(slower than it is now!!) I anticipate it speeding up! Awesome!

I hope those interested will read the scriptOE information page: And if anyone has questions or messages for us at the scriptOE, please contact us. I think that this page works: otherwise, you can contact us through the scriptOE project page at
(Please note that you will be sending a message to me, and it will not be answered until I get back if you use this link. Otherwise you will be sending to trofer and he may not be able to answer your question immediately because he is very busy.)

Hope everyone is having a great summer(here in the northern hemisphere) and a great winter(in the southern hemisphere.)


Posted by arschles 2003-08-03

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