
ScriptOE Administrator arschlesinger going on vacation

That's right...arschlesinger, an administrator and developer for the scriptOE is going on vacation for 16 days. I won't be around to answer e-mail or develop the scriptOE from July 9th to the 24th. While I'm gone, hopefully inkedmn (
will be able to take over, but he is very busy and may not be able to do so.

Please check the new website (,) which is now administered by the ScriptOE's new web designer, trofer( He will be updating it frequently for the next week, but after the week is over, he is starting school again and will not be updating nearly as frequently. Soon after arschlesinger returns on July 24th, the first working version of the ScriptOE will be released. It will probably be called ScriptOE working environment v0.01. After this release, a new naming and versioning scheme will be released.

Posted by arschles 2003-07-08

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