
scriptHelper / Blog: Recent posts

1.3.2 released

Use JEditor 1.2.5
Allow to customize the default close operation of the Swing error window
Fix the comment lines not correctly positioned in Groovy
Handle correctly comments lines in Groovy
Fix the error line returned for an exception which was off by one in Groovy
Improve the SwingDebugScriptWindow class
Allow to use children DebugSessions. Note that this changed some of the methods previously used for debugging

Posted by Hervé Girod 2020-03-05

1.3.1 released

Use JRuby
Allow to access the tab in the AbstractSwingScriptLogger sub-classes
Allow to add a progress bar in the script logger
Fix some possible ConcurrentModificationExceptions when getting the step variable values
Return the list of currently logged lines in the AbstractSwingScriptLogger
Fix the Groovy error line number not being correctly parsed since Groovy 3.0.0
Fix the usage of the Debug feature with several methods called in the SessionHook
Remove the contribs package in the scriptHelper jar file

Posted by Hervé Girod 2020-02-25

1.3 released

Use JEditor 1.2.4
Use Groovy 3.0.1
Use Rhino 1.7.12
Use Jython 2.7.2b3
Use JavaCC 7.0.5
Put several fields and methods of the DefaultSwingScriptLogger as protected to be able to extend its behavior more easily
Allow to customize the labels in the DefaultSwingScriptLogger class
Add the clearTab() and setTab(int) methods in the ScriptContext interface, delegating to the ScriptLogger
Fix the exception message in the Swing ScriptErrorLoggerArea no being red in some cases
The getScriptProxy() method now return the ScriptProxy, the getScript() method the resulting script. Note that the ScriptProxy allow to wrap the exceptions.
Add a method in the ScriptWrapper to return the script text content
Add an experimental debugging feature

Posted by Hervé Girod 2020-02-19

1.2 released

Separate the distributions for the languages implementations from the core distribution
It is now not necessary anymore to extend the ContextListener interface for the Javascript implementation
Fix the dependency between the core library and the Javascript implementation library
Fix the line number for Javascript exceptions not computed
Fix the StackTrace creation for Javascript exceptions
Add a Python implementation

Posted by Hervé Girod 2020-01-05

1.1 released

Use JEditor 1.2.1
Add a clear() method in the ScriptLogger interface
Fix the setClassLoader(ClassLoader) method in the ScriptWrapper not correctly setting the ClassLoader
Add a CombinedScriptWrapper class which allows to find a suitable ScriptWrapper among a list for the script file
Add a Javascript implementation

Posted by Hervé Girod 2020-01-04

1.0 released

Fix the scripts not always working in some cases if there is no method header
Fix the line offset being incorrect when there is no method header
Support the 'load' and 'require' expressions in Ruby scripts
Add a custom 'load as' instruction for groovy scripts

Posted by Hervé Girod 2020-01-03

0.9 released

Use JEditor 1.2
Use docJGenerator
Add a default Swing implementation for the ScriptLogger
Add the concept of a script helper
Allow to not write the method header if the script has only one method

Posted by Hervé Girod 2019-12-22

0.8 released

Add the ability to add several ScriptExceptionListeners (rather than only one)
The SwingExceptionListener popup Window is called through an invokeLater to avoid any freeze of the GUI

Posted by Hervé Girod 2019-10-16

0.7 released

Use jEditor 1.1
Fix the presentation of the exceptions in the Swing panel which was incorrect
Factor the StackTrace creation in a general helper method
The Groovy Script interface do not need to extend the ContextListener interface anymore

Posted by Hervé Girod 2019-10-15

0.6 released

Allow to add custom default import declarations in the scripts
Fix the context set externally in the ScriptWrapper not taken into account
Improve the wiki content

Posted by Hervé Girod 2019-10-13

0.5 released

First release !

Posted by Hervé Girod 2019-10-12