
1.6.2 released

Fix the parser for the Groovy debugger which did not detect some methods correctly
Fix the parser for the Groovy debugger which did not detect variable declarations before the first method
Fix the SwingDebugScriptWindow incorrectly always settings the initial height of the script source component to 0
Show explicitly compile errors happening in debug sessions in the error window title
Fix the debug session not using the specified logger defined for the wrapper when the logger is specified
Fix the debug window throwing an exception when clicking on an error message
Add a DefaultScriptHelper class
Add a capability in the ant build to get or delete each library separately
Add a method in the ScriptLogger interface to print a StackTrace in the console
Fix groovy compilation exceptions having a wrong message (including the Groovy StackTrace which is of no interest there) and the wrong line number
Allow to add additional helper classes in the script

Posted by Hervé Girod 2024-01-19

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