
1.3.3 released

Use Jython 2.7.2
Use Groovy 3.0.2
Fix an exception which would occur in the SwingDebugScriptWindow if one of the values for the step variables was null
Add highlight on breakpoint lines in the SwingDebugScriptWindow
Add the jEditor.jar library which was forgotten in the binary distrib
Present the elements of arrays in the Swing debug mode variables tab
Present the types of variables in the Swing debug mode variables tab
Present correctly null values in the Swing debug mode variables tab
Put the VarNode and DebugVar classes in a new core package rather than in the swing package to allow to reuse them
Take correctly into account generics in variables declarations in the Groovy debug parser
Take correctly into account arrays in variables declarations in the Groovy debug parser
Add a method in the DebugSession to check if there is a Breakpoint on a specified line
Fix some cases where the step lines positions where incorrect in the Groovy debug session

Posted by Hervé Girod 2020-04-01

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