
Screen-OSX / News: Recent posts

Snow Leopard Support

I've added working support for Snow Leopard. Snow Leopard breaks launchd(1) in such a way that screen(1) can never be used in conjunction with it. Seriously. That's by design. Anyway, I've adjusted the scripts to deal with this. I haven't really tested much of anything since making it work, but it seems to work for me. YMMV. The scripts should still work on older releases of Mac OS X.

Posted by John P 2009-10-06

CVS is dead! Long live SVN!

I've moved from CVS to SVN and checked in vastly improved scripts. These scripts now require Mac OS X due to the use of launchd(1)

Posted by John P 2008-12-10

Scripts are in CVS!

Well, after talking about it for a long time, I have finally not only created a project, but actually loaded my scripts into CVS!

Currently, the scripts "work best" (and are only tested on) Mac OS X. They also prefer screen 4.0.3 or above (currently unreleased, a patch with the needed functionality to screen 4.0.2 will be put in my CVS shortly). It will, however, work on most any system with bash out there! I plan on stripping out the Mac OS X specific stuff, and make the pselect stuff optional for the first release. After that, I may branch the project and re-factor the Mac OS X port.... read more

Posted by John P 2006-01-12