
Tree [1812d1] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 includes 2018-02-06 arkwings arkwings [632bfa] on a tout omg -_-''
 rsc 2018-02-06 arkwings arkwings [632bfa] on a tout omg -_-''
 shaders 2018-03-10 arkwings arkwings [1812d1] new project
 sources 2018-02-06 arkwings arkwings [632bfa] on a tout omg -_-''
 .gitignore 2018-02-04 arkwings arkwings [8918db] pas de build lulu ! :p
 CMakeLists.txt 2018-02-03 arkwings arkwings [5c31b5] real things
 README.txt 2018-02-06 arkwings arkwings [632bfa] on a tout omg -_-''
 arkgreenlight.sublime-project 2018-02-03 arkwings arkwings [5c31b5] real things 2018-02-03 arkwings arkwings [5c31b5] real things
 main.cpp 2018-02-06 arkwings arkwings [632bfa] on a tout omg -_-''
 main.hpp 2018-02-06 arkwings arkwings [632bfa] on a tout omg -_-''

Read Me


cmake: to do at start and when you add a new file/folder to the project, don't add it through visual (change cmakelists)

- set an environment variable LIBS at the root of you libs folder
- launch cmake-gui
- set first path to the root folder (wher eis the first CMakeLists)
- set second path to the root folder/build
- configure and choose visual 2013 x64 compiler
- keep only Debug and Release types
- generate



- open the generated .sln file in the build folder
- set ArkGreenLight as startup project (right clic on te project)
- build (Ctrl + Maj + B)
- run (Ctrl + F5)



that's my problem, fuck yourself



if you have any trouble, please refrain from calling 911, instead, you can call the emergency opengl service at 06 68 97 46 57, a man named Nicolas might answer if he feels like it