
Scout Open Source / News: Recent posts

Scout 3.6 released

Scout 3.6 has just been released!

Scout comes in 3 builds: OS2.x/3.x, OS4.0 and MorphOS.

These are the release notes. They are quite short because of too many mini
changes. A complete list of changes can be found in the ChangeLog file in the

24-Apr-2006 Release 3.6 Program version 37.290

o scout_window_detail.c: now displays correctly number of colours for
32bit screens.

o scout_resethandlers.c: the OS4 specific list of reset callbacks is now
also scanned for entries, because the list of reset handlers is normally
not used anymore.... read more

Posted by Thore Böckelmann 2006-04-24

Scout 3.5 released

Scout 3.5 has just been released!

Scout now comes in 3 builds: OS2.x/3.x, OS4.0 and MorphOS.

These are the release notes. They are quite short because of too many mini
changes. A complete list of changes can be found in the ChangeLog file in the
source archive.

12-Mar-2006 Release 3.5 Program version 37.285

o Too many changes to list them all. All in all there were almost next to no
functional changes, but lots of system specific additions. The biggest
change however is that Scout now comes in a native OS4 flavour :) That means
we now have three different builds: OS2/3, OS4 and MorphOS. The OS3 build
should run under both, OS4 and MorphOS, but cannot really make any real
advantage of the new system enhancements. The OS4 and the MorphOS builds
however will make use of system specific enhancements as far as this is
possible and gives any advantage.... read more

Posted by Thore Böckelmann 2006-03-12

MorphOS native version updated

The MorphOS native version has been updated. Although it is still release 3.4, there have been some MorphOS specific bux fixes.

As with the former release, please contact either Nicolas Hennes (henes at biclodon dot com) and Ilkka Lehtoranta (ilkleht at isoveli dot org) if you encounter any MorphOS specific bugs.

Posted by Thore Böckelmann 2005-04-14

MorphOS native version released

Thanks to Nicolas Hennes (henes at biclodon dot com) and Ilkka Lehtoranta (ilkleht at isoveli dot org) there is finally a MorphOS native version of Scout!
Please note, that this release also contains a native version of identify.library.

If you should have any problems with this MorphOS version, then please contact either Nicolas or Ilkka.

Posted by Thore Böckelmann 2005-04-04