Activity for Scoreville

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1553] on Code

    Removed unneeded code, fixed names

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1552] on Code

    Changes to scene info

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1551] on Code

    Changed "has seen scene" to "successfully completed scene": Scene button will still be light green if some positions weren't played.

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1550] on Code

    "Chances" button changed: same width and font size like the other buttons

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1549] on Code

    Code formatting and simplifications for Visual Studio 2019

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1548]

    New parser for

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1547]

    More robust filter, detects boolean fields

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1546]

    Web request/parser for

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1545]

    Search in all columns/fields

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1544]

    Media info: Combined width + height into one TextDuration

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1543]

    Pack: Repair scene, where multiple girls are present, but some are missing from the pack

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1542]

    Faster checking for duplicate scene or selfie IDs by using an ordered list with binary search.

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1541]

    Editor: Error icon, if scene IDs are not unique.

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1540]

    Added button to skip tests, if you want a quick look/search for a girl.

  • Scoreville Scoreville released /readme.txt

  • Scoreville Scoreville released /ScoreVille341.rar

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1539]

    Changes for WebCamApp: drive angry to girlfriend if she has sex with another man.

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1538]

    Fixed a bug about spying your girlfriend in mansion via WebCamSmartphone;

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1537]

    Same fixes as in rev. 1482

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1536]

    Close: No penalty if the girl is already at 100 attraction and you can't flirt anymore.

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1535]

    sleep and eat buttons in Livingroom if the player home is room;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1534]

    HomePosButtonStyle.xaml: remove the OverridesDefaultStyle;

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1533]

    SetControls: Bugfix for showing all rooms with Room/Apartment/LuxuryAppartment

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1532]

    Equals the content with the names: UpdateGirlContent for girl and UpdateSceneContent search for scene / add HiddenCam to NoSceneForLocation;

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1531]

    Debug tool tip on flirt button, if spy scene

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1530]

    Cheerleader scene checking added

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1529]

    Enforce day time for "Cheerleader"

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1528]

    New location "Cheerleader" at the school

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1527]

    Fixed bug: don't drive with a girl from selfie to players home if the girlfriend at players home;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1526]

    CityTransition: simply code;

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1525]

    New column for girlpack's file name

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1524]

    Initialize chat button text for very old girlpacks, so it isn't NULL on immediate save after load.

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1523]

    Optional positioning of info bar on left-hand side

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1522]

    FlirtHandlers: reset variables for web cam if the player don't drive to buddy or girlfriend after web cam session;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1521]

    fixed bug for handyman;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1520]

    LocationHelper: fixed bug by visit girlfriend;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1519]

    Third part: drive to buddy if he has sex with a girl and spy in BuddyHomeLocation or join;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1518]

    Second Part of: girlfriend has sex with another man and player drives angry to her;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1517]

    first part of: girlfriend has sex with another man and player drives angry to her;

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1516]

    SetGridHeights: New minimum height for scene list is 220px to account for partner image + girl list.

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1515]

    Limits the view to 3 selfies, from the 4th comes the scrollbar.

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1514]

    Drive with girlfriend to her home from all other locations;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1513]

    GirlHomeLocation: set controls for new rooms;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1512]

    LocationControl: save the game at sex location will save returnLocation from SexHelper as CurrentLocation;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1511]

    CityScreen: no button if the girlfriend is at player home.

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1510]

    MapButton/CityScreen: show a button on CityScreen if the girlfriend not at her home to ask her where she is.

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1509]

    MapButton: If the girlfriend is in a different location than her home (bar, cafe, nightclub or others), the player cannot drive to her home;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1508]

    save video position from web cams in LocationHelper;

  • Scoreville Scoreville released /readme.txt

  • Scoreville Scoreville released /VersionChanges.txt

  • Scoreville Scoreville released /ScoreVille338.rar

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1507]

    When it is winter, show winter background for garden and outdoor pool;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1506]

    LoadGame: set Friend or FriendScene to null if start another game;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1505]

    HotelRoomLocation: add WebCamApp to the hotel room;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1504]

    Full control over hidden cams, you can change between buddy cams or girlfriend cams, see in which room is action.

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1503]

    WebCamSmartphone: two news buttons for increase or decrease the audio volume;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1502]

    Update Version

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1501]

    WebCam: Fix for accessing another thread, if video reached its end.

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1500]

    disable buttons or Combo-boxed if Location as HiddenCam;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1499]

    BuddyHomeLocation: show WebCamSmartphone if cam installed in Mansion your at girlfriend;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1498]

    UniversityLocation: fixed background for StudyOfWebAdministrator;

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1497]

    Rolodex: Don't show flirt/sex numbers to avoid confusing users.

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1496]

    Style for PhoneButton (green and red);

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1495]

    Rolodex: Reverted girl list to all available girls

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1494]

    fixed bug in PoliceLocation: speak with police officer if the car is not stolen;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1493]

    HomeLocation / HotelRoomLocation: check is SexActive or any girls in Phonebook, send PhoneGirls to RolodexPopup;

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1492]

    Add code of new rolodex popup (Visual SVN didn't pick it up)

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1491]

    alternative answer if that not HighBuzzLevel or Attraction in "Oh yes. I will have fun with you"

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1490]

    Home, Hotel room: Rolodex to keep up with all the girls' data

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1489]

    Flirt bio check: Bugfix index-out-of-bounds, if no interests

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1488]

    Update the VersionChanges.txt

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1487]

    FlirtBioCheck: Action on goodbye button should also close parent flirt popup.

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1486]

    Modify the dispatch about WebCams and learning at the evening classes;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1485]

    fixed bug for disable buttons at HiddenCam;

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1484]

    Bio check after flirting, so the player is forced to talk to each girl.

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1483]

    Remove web cams in current locations;

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1482]

    Bot: Added relation 11..15 to birthday/measurements, reverse order to match beginning against beginning of actual value.

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1481]

    LocationHelper: update BuddysWebCamGirl via TimeSpan, update UpdateGirlfriendWebCamScene via TimeSpan;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1480]

    check if scene not null;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1479]

    HomeLocation.xaml: add margin to first grid;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1478]

    LocationHelper: reduce percent for buddys webcam girl from 100 to 75;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1477]

    SceneEditor: disable buttons for HiddenCam;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1476]

    SceneEditor / PositionLocation: add new Location "HiddenCam";

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1475]

    WebCam / WebCamSerializer: save girl id

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1474]

    install hidden web cams in your mansion or by buddy or your girlfriend;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1473]

    the player can have sex directly after cock operation with consequences.

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1472]

    Changes to get Phonenumber

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1471]

    The more differentiated responses

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1470]

    FlirtHandlers: in LoadBot set piercing, not double tattoo;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1469]

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1468]

    Introducing girl's bio check variables, no random test after flirt yet.

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1467]

    delete ScorevilleDoubleFlirt.aiml from project;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1466]

    Change of project dependency

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1465]

    FlirtHandlers: sorry for the mistake, SingleFlirt must loaded, not DoubleFlirt AIML;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1464]

    delete the speak with two girls;

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1463]

    PickGirlPopup / FlirtPopup: no restart timer in CityTransition;

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1462]

    FlirtPopup: Birthday menu appears on correct day, not only after clicking the birthday present during CityTransition.

  • tomcat0815 tomcat0815 committed [r1461]

    SexHelper: Set BackgroundImage for Sex in EastMallLocation

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1460]

    ShoppingLocation/ShopLocation -> WestMallLocation/EastMallLocation

  • ok666 ok666 committed [r1459]

    Shared, Player: 2nd RemoveItem combined with the 1st

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