
Scope: Release of v1.0rc2

Hopefully getting close to final release of 1.0. Remaining work (unless bugs are found) is around tidying the documentation.

Minor release with bug-fixes.

Note that extensions to the XML/XSLT servlet implementation may
break with this release: I've switched to using JAXP and TRAX APIs now that
they have stabilised. Unfortunately this has changed the implementation
of AbstractXSLPage, breaking subclasses that customize the default behaviour,
hopefully in a relatively minor way... Sorry! On the plus side the implementation
is now more flexible. :-)

Scope no longer ships with Xerces and Xalan: instead it ships with Saxon which
can be replaced with Xerces/Xalan or any other JAXP/TRAX compatible libraries.

* Fixed STable's non-standard renderer/editor implementation.
* Fixed STable's redraw problems.
* Renamed Debug.assert to Debug.assertTrue for JDK1.4
* Replaced direct use of log4j with Apache's commons-logging facade
which uses log4j or jdk1.4 if either is available. See Scope readme.txt
for futher details.
* Switched to JAXP/TRAX API instead of dependence on Xerces/Xalan in
AbstractXSLPage. (thanks for the push, waily!)
* Fixed bug in STextField on navigation through null submodels. (roytman)
* Fixed ValidationHelper for multiple validation failures in a row. (pisettam)
* Binary jars are now compressed.

Posted by Steve Meyfroidt 2002-02-10

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