

Mike Johnson


Most daily operations are performed by right clicking on the icon for the device showing signs of a problem. In the case of a complete failure then right click on a device that is connected to it.

Stop the program by using the close in the top right corner, it can take several seconds to stop all the subtasks.

The action menu performs global actions and allows the alarm to be silenced, discovery settings to be changed, or the current configuration to be saved.

The top window has icons for the devices, white is unmanaged, green is all up, red is all down, and yellow is at least one interface is up and one down. Right click on an icon brings up a menu for that device Right click menu. Double left click brings up the details directly.

The bottom window has a log of major events, most recent at the top. It also shows SNMP traps from devices. SNMP traps are also used to update the state of interfaces and connected Cisco devices.

The status bar shows minor events which are not logged.


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