

Mike Johnson

Details dialog

sysName, Main IP, sysContact and sysLocation are initially read from the device but can be changed, the information does not get written back to the device. The Main IP is the address used for Ping time measurement, and collecting SNMP data.

Uptime is the device uptime as read from the device by SNMP.

Icon is a suitable Icon for the device, it can be changed, and more 32x32 icons can be added to the icon.bmp file.

Unmanage/Hide: if checked this hides the device, stops collecting data from the device, and stops monitoring its state.

No Alarm: if this is checked then the alarm does not sound when an interface on this device goes down.

Button OK – saves any changes to the device.

Button Cancel – does not save any changes made to the device.

Button Delete – delete the device. If a device changes or SNMP is added, then its necessary to delete it and then add it again.

Button Refresh – updates the SNMP data fields.

The Interface column is the SNMP ifDescr in the interfaces table.

Admin and Protocol are the same status as shown in the Cisco show interface command. These are SNMP ifAdminStatus and ifOperStatus。According to Cisco there are 7 states for ifOperStatus up, down, testing, unknown, dormant, notPresent and lowerLayerDown. The testing state indicates that no operational packets can be passed. If ifAdminStatus is down then ifOperStatus should be down. If ifAdminStatus is changed to up then ifOperStatus should change to up if the interface is ready to transmit and receive network traffic; it should change to dormant if the interface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection); it should remain in the down state if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the up state; it should remain in the notPresent state if the interface has missing (typically, hardware) components.

IP Address is the address of the interface, when NAT is used the router, or by a router on the route, this address may not be reachable by ping. This is the ipAdEntAddr in the ipAddrTable. This table does not seem to be present in all devices, so if it’s missing then the first interface is given the Main IP address.

If a NAT address is entered in this column for an interface then it is used for ping instead of the actual device address.

InBytes and OutBytes – these are ifInOctets and ifOutOctets in the SNMP specification. These numbers are multiplied by 8 when the graphs are drawn.

InErrors and OutErrors – these are SNMP ifInErrors and ifOutErrors and is the total number of packets with errors on the interface.

The Cisco SNMP object browser can be used to get explanations of SNMP names.

The last 3 in the interface list columns are used for the alarm detecting by ping. The S column shows the state of the interface, 0 is unmanaged, 1 is up, 3 is down. G is a count of good pings, and A is the alarm acknowledged flag. It’s initially set from the interface Admin status but it can be changed to unmanage an interface.


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