

Mike Johnson

Action and Help menus

Action - Acknowledge Alarms

Stops the alarm beep which repeats every 4 seconds. If the device or interface recovers and fails again then the alarm will start again.

Action - Discovery

Starts a discovery cycle of the local network by using ping on every address. This starts every 23 hours anyway, it’s probably not needed on the menu.

Action - Save

Saves the current device list in device.xml, discovery option in discovery.xml, and event log in event.log. This also happens when the program is closed.

Action - New device

Brings up a dialog box to enter the IP address of a new device. This is usually faster than waiting for it to be discovered. Enter or paste the IP address of the device and click OK or press enter.

Action - Options.

Show all

Shows all devices, including those which are hidden.

In automatic layout mode, there are grid lines and no horizontal scroll bar. The items to be displayed are wrapped onto the next line at the edge of the displayed area.

In manual layout modes, the grid lines are not shown and a horizontal scroll bar appears.

Auto by Name

If checked the display is sorted by sysName

Auto by IP Address

If checked the display is sorted by the main IP address.


The devices can be moved to new locations.

Manual with lines

The devices in the same subnet are connected by lines, if there are more than 2 devices in the subnet then a moveable connection point is displayed. If the subnet is unknown then the smallest subnet is assumed.

Discovery options

The local network and the community string settings read from or saved in the discovery.xml file. If there is not file then the default setting is a 256 address subnet based on the PC's IP address, and community “public”. Currently there is only one subnet, but it might be necessary to be able to have more than one subnet. Making the subnet bigger makes the scan take too long.

Help – Contents

Displays HTML help.

Help – About

Shows the version number.


Wiki: Home