
#2190 Compiling SciTE 4.4.4 on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 finishs with an error when trying to create liblexilla.lib


I open the Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017, enter the directory with the extracted scite sources (version 4.4.4) and build scintilla (cd scintilla\win32 & nmake -f scintialla.mak) successfully. The output of the scintilla\bin directory is:

24.07.2020 15:22 55 empty.txt
25.07.2020 14:25 39.132.646 libscintilla.lib
25.07.2020 14:25 1.117.696 SciLexer.dll
25.07.2020 14:25 866 SciLexer.exp
25.07.2020 14:25 1.810 SciLexer.lib
25.07.2020 14:25 16.470.016 SciLexer.pdb
25.07.2020 14:25 600.576 Scintilla.dll
25.07.2020 14:25 868 Scintilla.exp
25.07.2020 14:25 1.822 Scintilla.lib
25.07.2020 14:25 10.309.632 Scintilla.pdb
24.07.2020 15:22 2

Then I move to the scite\win32 directory and try to build scite (nmake -f scite.mak). This makefile call creates scite.exe in the bin directory but finishes with an error that liblexilla.lib could not be created:

    link -OPT:REF -LTCG -DEBUG  -OUT:..\bin\SciTE.exe Cookie.obj Credits.obj DirectorExtension.obj EditorConfig.obj ExportHTML.obj ExportPDF.obj ExportRTF.obj ExportTEX.obj ExportXML.obj FilePath.obj FileWorker.obj GUIWin.obj IFaceTable.obj JobQueue.obj LexillaLibrary.obj MatchMarker.obj MultiplexExtension.obj PropSetFile.obj ScintillaCall.obj ScintillaWindow.obj SciTEBase.obj SciTEBuffers.obj SciTEIO.obj SciTEProps.obj SciTEWinBar.obj SciTEWinDlg.obj StringHelpers.obj StringList.obj Strips.obj StyleDefinition.obj StyleWriter.obj UniqueInstance.obj Utf8_16.obj SciTEWin.obj LuaExtension.obj lapi.obj lcode.obj lctype.obj ldebug.obj ldo.obj ldump.obj lfunc.obj lgc.obj llex.obj lmem.obj lobject.obj lopcodes.obj lparser.obj lstate.obj lstring.obj ltable.obj ltm.obj lundump.obj lvm.obj lzio.obj lauxlib.obj lbaselib.obj lbitlib.obj lcorolib.obj ldblib.obj liolib.obj lmathlib.obj ltablib.obj lstrlib.obj loadlib.obj loslib.obj linit.obj lutf8lib.obj SciTERes.res KERNEL32.lib USER32.lib GDI32.lib MSIMG32.lib COMDLG32.lib COMCTL32.lib ADVAPI32.lib IMM32.lib SHELL32.LIB OLE32.LIB OLEAUT32.LIB UXTHEME.LIB

Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Bibliothek "..\bin\SciTE.lib" und Objekt "..\bin\SciTE.exp" werden erstellt.
Code wird generiert.
Codegenerierung ist abgeschlossen.
cl -Zi -TP -MP -W4 -EHsc -Zc:forScope -Zc:wchar_t -std:c++17 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE=1 -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -O1 -Oi -MT -DNDEBUG -GL -I../../scintilla/include -I../src -I../lua/src -DSTATIC_BUILD -c -FoSc1.obj SciTEWin.cxx
Microsoft (R) C/C++-Optimierungscompiler Version 19.16.27034 für x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

NMAKE : fatal error U1073: "....\scintilla\bin\liblexilla.lib" konnte nicht erstellt werden

The output of the scite\bin directory is:

25.07.2020 14:31 55 empty.txt
25.07.2020 14:37 1.133.568 SciTE.exe
25.07.2020 14:37 17.742 SciTE.exp
25.07.2020 14:37 29.652 SciTE.lib
25.07.2020 14:37 13.963.264 SciTE.pdb

The same behaviour occures with Visual Studio 2019. Maybe there is a "bug" in the scite.mak file?
Compiling the scite 4.4.4 sources under Ubuntu 20.04 finishes with no errors.


  • Zufu Liu

    Zufu Liu - 2020-07-25

    Not a bug. Please goto scintilla\lexilla\src folder run nmake -f lexilla.mak to compile lexilla.dll and liblexilla.lib.

  • Michael Neuroth

    Michael Neuroth - 2020-07-25

    Thak you for your fast response! It worked. But I did not found an info about this build step in the README. Did I missed something or should this information updated in the README?

    • Neil Hodgson

      Neil Hodgson - 2020-07-25

      Near the top of the README there should be a section about building lexers that refers to lexilla/src/README.

  • Neil Hodgson

    Neil Hodgson - 2021-04-14
    • labels: --> SciTE, lexilla
    • status: open --> closed-invalid
  • Neil Hodgson

    Neil Hodgson - 2021-04-14

    Closing this as the procedure is explained in the README.


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