
Scid vs PC error decoding game

  • Dale W Proctor

    Dale W Proctor - 2024-02-19

    Periodically I get this error trying to open a new game from a database < Error: Error decoding game 178. The number being the specific game number. Other games can open. Sometimes restarting the laptop (running Windows 11) cures the issue. The last time I had to reboot to cure the problem. Today that doesn't help. Trying to open the same game on my desktop also gets the same error. A copy of the"details" is attached. What am I doing wrong? How I stop this from happening?

  • Steven

    Steven - 2024-02-20

    Supposing the database on your desktop was copied over from your laptop, my guess is a failing hard drive on your laptop, or some type of file corruption.


    Last edit: Steven 2024-02-20

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