
New version 4.25

  • ZL

    ZL - 2024-06-01

    I am happy about the new version, but I am a bit confused.

    I came to the conclusion that version 4.25 from June 1 is based on r3459.
    But I came to this conclusion by comparing the changes in the code between r3459 and r3460.
    Maybe the version number should be followed by the hyphen with the rel. no.?

    Scid vs PC-4.25.x64-r3459.exe

    Regards and thank you for your effort in improving scid-vs-pc.

  • Steven

    Steven - 2024-06-01

    Haha - it's done when it's done. There'll probably be a 4.25 change/update before too long... Last minute minor bug fixes.

  • ZL

    ZL - 2024-06-02

    MD5 sums of scid_vs_pc-4.25.tgz file.
    On 2024-06-01: 17a456b820bf3ce5845b339d9f9d4b05
    On 2024-06-02: e1a6af32995a6394f740664e478e87d0.
    It's not the same file.
    This is a different version.
    Sorry, but this is a bit confusing:
    "yes it appears the scid_vs_pc developers have once again changed the tar file but not the version. I have updated the checksum with 4.25-2 to fix this."

    Regards and thank you for your effort in improving scid-vs-pc.

  • Steven

    Steven - 2024-06-02

    Sorry. Thanks for packaging the project.

  • ZL

    ZL - 2024-06-02

    It's not me who deserves the thanks, because it's not my merit.
    Linux Arch – AUR developers do this.
    I only informed about the new version - as it turned out, prematurely and caused confusion.

  • Christoph Furrer

    After several attempts I have been successful compiling and installing it in Linux Mint 21.3 (I am not a Linux specialist). I had to execute following commands:

    sudo apt-get install -y wish
    sudo apt-get install tcl8.6-dev
    sudo apt-get install tk8.6-dev

    and with the terminal opened in the folder where I downloaded scid_vs_pc-4.25
    sudo make install

    The C-Compiler I had installed already installed earlier.

    Thank you for this newest version!

  • ZL

    ZL - 2024-06-09

    To make scid-vs-pc fully functional you need additional packages:
    tcl-snack tdom tcl-tls libtk-img.
    During compilation:
    tcl-snack-dev tdom-dev.


    Last edit: ZL 2024-06-09
  • Steven

    Steven - 2024-06-10

    Hmm... those tcl dev packages (tcl-snack-dev, tdom-dev) aren't necessary at all AFAICS ???

  • ZL

    ZL - 2024-06-10

    You're right.
    My unnecessary over-interpretation - "I thought that if it uses snack and tdom, they must also be *dev when compiling".
    As you can see, they don't have to.
    Thank you for paying attention.

    From my experience, Debian-based systems should have the following packages installed to compile and run:
    apt-get install build-essential libstdc++6 python3 zlib1g zlib1g-dev
    apt-get install tcl libtcl8.6 tcl-dev tcl8.6 tcl8.6-dev tk tk-dev tk8.6 tk8.6-dev libtk8.6
    apt-get install tcl-snack tcl-tls tdom libtk-img

    The build-essential package downloads the following packages: gcc, g++, make.

    However, in the case of OpenSuse:
    zypper in gcc gcc-c++ make
    zypper in tcl tcl-devel tk tk-devel snack tdom tls tkimg

    The gcc-c++ package downloads the libstdc++6-devel package

    Maybe it would be worth adding such tips to the README file?
    It would be easier for beginners when compiling.
    Especially since compilation is easy and pleasant.
    On new processors it takes only 10 seconds for make -j $(nproc), on older ones it takes about one minute.


  • Steven

    Steven - 2024-06-11

    Maybe it would be worth adding such tips to the README file?

    Hmmm.. Just too distro specific for me to worry too much about.
    Feel free to open specific Open discussion topics.

    Or make some distro packages rpm/deb etc for the Linux distro file directory... Cheers

    Yeah, make -j is very nice... But it breaks patching scid on macosx


    Last edit: Steven 2024-06-11

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