
#90 Export of dataabases crashes


Trying to export an .sci database fails with message:

(func) exportGames
(file) db_database.cpp:1383
(what) precondition violation: illegalRejected || !format::isScidFormat(destination.format())
(type) mstl::precondition_violation_exception

=== Backtrace ============================================
db::Database::exportGames<db::Consumer> [db_database.cpp:1383]
app::View::exportGames [app_view.cpp:667]
app::View::exportGames(mstl::string const&, mstl::string const&, mstl::string const&, unsigned int, db::type::ID, unsigned int, mstl::bitfield<unsigned __int128=""> const&, bool, mstl::vector<mstl::string> const, unsigned int, unsigned int, db::Log&, util::Progress&, app::View::FileMode [app_view.cpp:772]
cmdExport [tcl_view.cpp:695]
safeCall [tcl_base.cpp:764]
main [tkscidb.cpp:109]

while executing

"::util::catchException $cmd count "
(procedure "DoExport" line 262)
invoked from within
"DoExport .application.nb.database.main.switcher.content .application.nb.database.main.switcher.content.export /home/stefan/privat/schach/export/TestEx..."
(in namespace inscope "::export" script line 1)
invoked from within
"{*}$Vars(okcommand) $files"
(procedure "Activate" line 134)
invoked from within
"Activate yes"
(in namespace inscope "::fsbox" script line 1)
invoked from within
"::namespace inscope ::fsbox {Activate
filedialog.fsbox yes}"
invoked from within
" invoke "
invoked from within
filedialog.fsbox.buttons.ok instate !disabled { .application.nb.database.main.switcher...."
invoked from within
" instate pressed {"
(command bound to event)

I use revision 1089 on debian lenny

Steps to reproduce:

1) Create new sci database
2) Save one game (nothing special only starting position)
3) Choose export in database view
4) Choose SCID as export format in left "frame"
=> Export fails


  • Gregor Cramer

    Gregor Cramer - 2016-06-19
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • assigned_to: Gregor Cramer
  • Gregor Cramer

    Gregor Cramer - 2016-06-19

    Thanks for your error report. In fact it was an error in debugging code, fixed in rev. 1090.

  • Stefan Meyer

    Stefan Meyer - 2016-06-19

    Thanks for the fast fix.

    Some of my databases now create the following error, when trying to export:

    (func) adjustListSize
    (file) si3/si3_name_list.cpp:245
    (what) assertion failed: m_list.size() == size()
    (type) mstl::assertion_failure_exception

    === Backtrace ============================================
    db::si3::NameList::adjustListSize [si3/si3_name_list.cpp:245]
    db::si3::NameList::update [si3/si3_name_list.cpp:151]
    db::si3::Codec::writeNamebases [si3/si3_codec.cpp:2063]
    db::si3::Codec::writeNamebases [si3/si3_codec.cpp:2037]
    db::si3::Codec::save [si3/si3_codec.cpp:776]
    db::si3::Codec::save [si3/si3_codec.cpp:784]
    db::DatabaseCodec::save [db_database_codec.ipp:62]
    db::Database::save [db_database.cpp:458]
    app::View::exportGames(mstl::string const&, mstl::string const&, mstl::string const&, unsigned int, db::type::ID, unsigned int, mstl::bitfield<unsigned __int128=""> const&, bool, mstl::vector<mstl::string> const, unsigned int, unsigned int, db::Log&, util::Progress&, app::View::FileMode [app_view.cpp:777]
    cmdExport [tcl_view.cpp:695]
    safeCall [tcl_base.cpp:764]
    main [tkscidb.cpp:109]

    while executing

    "::util::catchException $cmd count "
    (procedure "DoExport" line 262)
    invoked from within
    "DoExport .application.nb.database.main.switcher.content .application.nb.database.main.switcher.content.export {/home/stefan/privat/schach/export/Aljec..."
    (in namespace inscope "::export" script line 1)
    invoked from within
    "{*}$Vars(okcommand) $files"
    (procedure "Activate" line 134)
    invoked from within
    "Activate yes"
    (in namespace inscope "::fsbox" script line 1)
    invoked from within
    "::namespace inscope ::fsbox {Activate
    filedialog.fsbox yes}"
    invoked from within
    " invoke "
    invoked from within
    filedialog.fsbox.buttons.ok instate !disabled { .application.nb.database.main.switcher...."
    invoked from within
    " instate pressed {"
    (command bound to event)

    Please let me know, if you need an exanple database

  • Gregor Cramer

    Gregor Cramer - 2016-06-19

    I've sent an email to your account for upload request of an example database.

  • Stefan Meyer

    Stefan Meyer - 2016-06-19

    I 've uploaded an scidb archive.

  • Gregor Cramer

    Gregor Cramer - 2016-06-20

    Thanks for the database "Aljechin Alarm", unfortunately the export to .si4 is working properly. What I have done:

    • scidb-beta "Aljechin Alarm.scv"
    • open Export on database tile
    • choosing Scid format
    • saving the file (this is doing the export)

    No error at all, and opening the .si4 file works properly. Probably you have send me the wrong database?

  • Stefan Meyer

    Stefan Meyer - 2016-06-20

    No, still reproducable for me.
    I tried the same steps and uploaded the Aljechin Alarm.scv and the partly genrated Aljechin Alarm.si4.

    How can I help you?

  • Gregor Cramer

    Gregor Cramer - 2016-06-20

    Still the same, I have no problems with export. Probably your built failed, please try the follwing:

    • cd ~/scidb-code # change to the installation directory
    • make clean
    • svn update
    • make
    • sudo make install

    and try again to export. And if this does not help, then please try another step:

    • cd ~ # change to your home directory
    • mv .scidb-beta .scidb-beta.bak
    • scidb-beta # and try again to export
    • mv .scidb-beta.bak .scidb-beta

    If this succeeds, then something in the configuration file is wrong, please send me your configuration file ~/.scidb-beta/config/options.dat in this case.

  • Stefan Meyer

    Stefan Meyer - 2016-06-20

    I tried both, no change, still the same error.

  • Gregor Cramer

    Gregor Cramer - 2016-06-20

    Many thanks for your help. This is really mysterious. The only idea I have is to test your executable on my machine. But this is possible only if the dependencies will be fulfilled. Please paste the output of

    ldd `which tkscidb-beta`

    in the next post. About my machine: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (trusty), 32 bit processor.

  • Stefan Meyer

    Stefan Meyer - 2016-06-20
    bash>lsb_release -a
    No LSB modules are available.
    Distributor ID: Debian
    Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 8.5 (jessie)
    Release:        8.5
    Codename:       jessie
    bash>ldd `which tkscidb-beta`
     ldd `which tkscidb-beta`
   => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1e636000)
   => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1e2f3000)
   => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1e0eb000)
   => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1dece000)
   => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1dcc3000)
   => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1d90c000)
   => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1d6f1000)
   => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1d4c8000)
   => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1d2ab000)
   => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1cfa0000)
   => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1cc9f000)
   => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1ca89000)
   => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1c6de000)
   => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1c4c8000)
   => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1c28b000)
   => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1bfe1000)
   => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1bdde000)
   => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1bbcc000)
   => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1b9c8000)
   => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1b7a6000)
   => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1b5a1000)
   => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1b397000)
   => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1b191000)
            /lib64/ (0x00007f6d1e99a000)
   => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1af6a000)
   => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1ad66000)
   => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6d1ab61000)

    I will try it tomorrow on another machine with ubuntu 15.10 32 bit.

  • Gregor Cramer

    Gregor Cramer - 2016-06-20

    I guess it works on your 32 bit machine. Now I think I know the problem, it only occurs on 64 bit machines, for any reason this part is not 64 bit safe. Unluckily I don't have a 64 bit machine, so I have to think about how I find the hole, with your help.

  • Gregor Cramer

    Gregor Cramer - 2016-06-21

    I think a first test with valgrind is the best solution. Please install valgrind:

    sudo apt-get install valgrind

    and start Scidb in the following way:

    valgrind /usr/local/bin/tkscidb-beta /usr/local/bin/scidb-beta > /tmp/log

    and attach the log file to the post. Valgrind will detect memory problems, if any.

  • Stefan Meyer

    Stefan Meyer - 2016-06-21

    Hier die Ausgabe:

    Failed to read a valid object file image from memory.
    147     m_syswrap/syscall-amd64-linux.S: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden.
    Failed to read a valid object file image from memory.
    147     m_syswrap/syscall-amd64-linux.S: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden.
    ==31007== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
    ==31007==    at 0x4C30083: strstr (vg_replace_strmem.c:1452)
    ==31007==    by 0x766ACB: mstl::backtrace::text_write(mstl::ostringstream&, unsigned int) const (m_backtrace.cpp:844)
    ==31007==    by 0x76E38A: mstl::bits::prepare_msg(mstl::exception&, char const*, unsigned int, char const*, char const*) (m_exception.cpp:132)
    ==31007==    by 0x76E487: mstl::bits::prepare_exc(mstl::exception&, char const*, unsigned int, char const*, char const*) (m_exception.cpp:158)
    ==31007==    by 0x73551B: void mstl::bits::throw_exc<mstl::assertion_failure_exception>(mstl::assertion_failure_exception const&, char const*, int, char const*) (m_exception.ipp:51)
    ==31007==    by 0x73479E: db::si3::NameList::adjustListSize() (si3_name_list.cpp:245)
    ==31007==    by 0x73412D: db::si3::NameList::update(db::Namebase&, sys::utf8::Codec&) (si3_name_list.cpp:151)
    ==31007==    by 0x724022: db::si3::Codec::writeNamebases(mstl::ostream&, util::Progress*) (si3_codec.cpp:2063)
    ==31007==    by 0x723E4C: db::si3::Codec::writeNamebases(mstl::string const&) (si3_codec.cpp:2037)
    ==31007==    by 0x71D536: db::si3::Codec::save(mstl::string const&, unsigned int, util::Progress&, bool) (si3_codec.cpp:776)
    ==31007==    by 0x71D685: db::si3::Codec::save(mstl::string const&, unsigned int, util::Progress&) (si3_codec.cpp:784)
    ==31007==    by 0x5F17EF: db::DatabaseCodec::save(unsigned int, util::Progress&) (db_database_codec.ipp:62)
    ==31007== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
    ==31007==    at 0x4C30083: strstr (vg_replace_strmem.c:1452)
    ==31007==    by 0x766AE5: mstl::backtrace::text_write(mstl::ostringstream&, unsigned int) const (m_backtrace.cpp:845)
    ==31007==    by 0x76E38A: mstl::bits::prepare_msg(mstl::exception&, char const*, unsigned int, char const*, char const*) (m_exception.cpp:132)
    ==31007==    by 0x76E487: mstl::bits::prepare_exc(mstl::exception&, char const*, unsigned int, char const*, char const*) (m_exception.cpp:158)
    ==31007==    by 0x73551B: void mstl::bits::throw_exc<mstl::assertion_failure_exception>(mstl::assertion_failure_exception const&, char const*, int, char const*) (m_exception.ipp:51)
    ==31007==    by 0x73479E: db::si3::NameList::adjustListSize() (si3_name_list.cpp:245)
    ==31007==    by 0x73412D: db::si3::NameList::update(db::Namebase&, sys::utf8::Codec&) (si3_name_list.cpp:151)
    ==31007==    by 0x724022: db::si3::Codec::writeNamebases(mstl::ostream&, util::Progress*) (si3_codec.cpp:2063)
    ==31007==    by 0x723E4C: db::si3::Codec::writeNamebases(mstl::string const&) (si3_codec.cpp:2037)
    ==31007==    by 0x71D536: db::si3::Codec::save(mstl::string const&, unsigned int, util::Progress&, bool) (si3_codec.cpp:776)
    ==31007==    by 0x71D685: db::si3::Codec::save(mstl::string const&, unsigned int, util::Progress&) (si3_codec.cpp:784)
    ==31007==    by 0x5F17EF: db::DatabaseCodec::save(unsigned int, util::Progress&) (db_database_codec.ipp:62)
    ==31007== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
    ==31007==    at 0x4C30083: strstr (vg_replace_strmem.c:1452)
    ==31007==    by 0x766AFF: mstl::backtrace::text_write(mstl::ostringstream&, unsigned int) const (m_backtrace.cpp:846)
    ==31007==    by 0x76E38A: mstl::bits::prepare_msg(mstl::exception&, char const*, unsigned int, char const*, char const*) (m_exception.cpp:132)
    ==31007==    by 0x76E487: mstl::bits::prepare_exc(mstl::exception&, char const*, unsigned int, char const*, char const*) (m_exception.cpp:158)
    ==31007==    by 0x73551B: void mstl::bits::throw_exc<mstl::assertion_failure_exception>(mstl::assertion_failure_exception const&, char const*, int, char const*) (m_exception.ipp:51)
    ==31007==    by 0x73479E: db::si3::NameList::adjustListSize() (si3_name_list.cpp:245)
    ==31007==    by 0x73412D: db::si3::NameList::update(db::Namebase&, sys::utf8::Codec&) (si3_name_list.cpp:151)
    ==31007==    by 0x724022: db::si3::Codec::writeNamebases(mstl::ostream&, util::Progress*) (si3_codec.cpp:2063)
    ==31007==    by 0x723E4C: db::si3::Codec::writeNamebases(mstl::string const&) (si3_codec.cpp:2037)
    ==31007==    by 0x71D536: db::si3::Codec::save(mstl::string const&, unsigned int, util::Progress&, bool) (si3_codec.cpp:776)
    ==31007==    by 0x71D685: db::si3::Codec::save(mstl::string const&, unsigned int, util::Progress&) (si3_codec.cpp:784)
    ==31007==    by 0x5F17EF: db::DatabaseCodec::save(unsigned int, util::Progress&) (db_database_codec.ipp:62)
    Failed to read a valid object file image from memory.
    147     m_syswrap/syscall-amd64-linux.S: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden.
  • Stefan Meyer

    Stefan Meyer - 2016-06-21

    After closing the valgrind session the following summary is shown:

    ==30878== HEAP SUMMARY:
    ==30878==     in use at exit: 68,830,116 bytes in 266,295 blocks
    ==30878==   total heap usage: 518,377 allocs, 252,082 frees, 93,784,581 bytes allocated
    ==30878== LEAK SUMMARY:
    ==30878==    definitely lost: 336,096 bytes in 57 blocks
    ==30878==    indirectly lost: 669,780 bytes in 593 blocks
    ==30878==      possibly lost: 16,952,718 bytes in 371 blocks
    ==30878==    still reachable: 50,871,522 bytes in 265,274 blocks
    ==30878==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
    ==30878== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
    ==30878== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
    ==30878== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 1 from 1)

    I made a new run ----leak-check=full ...
    Output is attached

  • Gregor Cramer

    Gregor Cramer - 2016-06-21

    Many thanks, unfortunately valgrind is not reporting anything relevant. But after I've studied the code again I guessed that the bitset implementation can be the reason. So I tried a 64 bit emulation of the bitset, and now I can reproduce the problem! Soon I will release a fix.

  • Gregor Cramer

    Gregor Cramer - 2016-06-21

    I've released v1091, this version works (with your example database). It was indeed a 64 bit problem, in one 64 bit wide variable onle the lower 32 bit were set. Thanks for your patience!

  • Stefan Meyer

    Stefan Meyer - 2016-06-21

    Works perfect, thanks for the quick bugfix!


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