
#317 Failure to build 1.21 on armv7hl with Python scripting enabled



I thought we had fixed all the issues in Fedora, so I submitted v1.21 for review. While waiting for the reviewer, I noticed that somewhere between 1.D8 and 1.D9, the previous maintainer had disabled python scripting, so I enabled it and submitted updated builds to our buildsystem.

However, they failed on armv7hl in a way that seems suspiciously similar to bug 180.

This is a build of 1.21 with python disabled:

This is after enabling it:

And this is a build just on armv7hl, with “make -j1”, as we thought the problem was with parallel building:

The error that pops up every time is about a missing generated file:

src/PythonScripting.cpp:65:10: fatal error: sipAPIscidavis.h: No such file or directory

There is also this in the armv7hl build logs:

sip: src/scidavis.sip:175: ::Column::replaceValues() unsupported function argument type - provide %MethodCode and a C++ signature

Just in case, here is my spec file.

Is this bug 180 again or is it something else?


  • High Performance Coder

    Does you spec file include a dependency on PyWt4-devel and sip-devel?
    You need both those packages for that header file to be generated.

    Actually, I just noticed that you included the following error message below:

    sip: src/scidavis.sip:175: ::Column::replaceValues() unsupported function argument type - provide %MethodCode and a C++ signature

    I took a gander at replaceValues, and noticed that the function
    signature had a double in it - to wit const QVector<double>&.

    ARM does not support double precision, IIUC, so double should probably
    be replaced by qreal everywhere. See

    Just took a sqizz at 180, and it seems to be related to the qreal
    thing too.

    Did you want to try to test changing double->qreal everywhere, and
    submitting a pull request when you get something working? I'm not
    really set up to test ARM here (although I do have a Raspberry Pi in
    the corner I could press into service if things get too desperate.


    Dr Russell Standish Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
    Principal, High Performance Coders
    Visiting Senior Research Fellow
    Economics, Kingston University

    • Alexander Ploumistos

      Did you want to try to test changing double->qreal everywhere, and
      submitting a pull request when you get something working? I'm not
      really set up to test ARM here (although I do have a Raspberry Pi in
      the corner I could press into service if things get too desperate.

      I was looking at Miquel Garriga's patch for 313 and he used a conditional to switch from double to float on ARM.

      In Qt's documentation there's this:

      typedef qreal

      Typedef for double unless Qt is configured with the -qreal float option.

      Does this mean that every variable type set to qreal can be either double or float, depending on how qmake or qwhatever is invoked?

      The thing is I don't think a find and replace is going to do the job and I know nothing about Qt and next to nothing about C++…

      I do have access to the armv7hl builders in Fedora though, so if anyone would be willing to step forward and do the patching, I could do the testing.

      In the meantime, I can either ExcludeArch armv7hl, or disable scripting in order to get the package accepted in Fedora.

      Sorry I can't be of any more help…

  • gbm

    gbm - 2017-09-13

    Yes, the compile errors in your log files [1,2] point to a 'qreal' issue.
    Note that GCC 7.1 (your compiler) [3, last point in 'Caveats'] fixed an old bug on ARM targets and prints this warning when the calling signature of a function may introduce ABI changes:

    "note: parameter passing for argument of type '...' changed in GCC 7.1"

    Please try attached patch (that includes an alternative to my previous armv7hl-build.patch) and publish the link to build.log if it doesn't fix the bug.

    Also note that your build scripts use python3.6 and SciDAVis only works with python2.7



    • Alexander Ploumistos

      Hello Miquel,

      Please try attached patch (that includes an alternative to my previous armv7hl-build.patch) and publish the link to build.log if it doesn't fix the bug.

      Robert-André Mauchin, another Fedora contributor, had sent me the same patch for scidavis.sip and I was about to submit a PR, when you send yours. Since it was a 2 in 1, I went with that.

      Thank you very much yet again!

      Sure enough, the builds are now successful:

      Would you care to submit the changes to the github repo?

      Also note that your build scripts use python3.6 and SciDAVis only works with python2.7

      I have "BuildRequires: python2-devel" in the spec file, so I would expect python2.7 to be used for the build, which is:

      g++ […] -I/usr/include/python2.7 […]

      If you are referring to these messages

      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mockbuild/", line 89, in trace

      python3.6 is used in the buildsystem tools.

  • High Performance Coder

    Is this still an issue? SciDaVis currently builds on both the aarch64 and armv7l OpenSUSE targets at

    • Alexander Ploumistos

      And you can close this one as well.

  • High Performance Coder

    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: next --> 1.22

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