
question about liborigin

  • Alexander Ploumistos


    I've noticed that your copy of liborigin has some differences compared to that upstream (please correct me if I am wrong). Given that both projects share contributors, are you planning to merge those changes upstream or will you be keeping a forked version of sorts in SciDAVis?

    Best regards

    • Fellype

      Fellype - 2017-08-01

      Hello Alexander,
      To be honest, I don't know what is (or where is) the upstream version.
      The latest version hosted at SF site [1] is numbered as 2.0.0. But inspecting the 3rdparty/liborigin/ file in the SciDAVis source code we see that the version shipped with it is numbered as 3.0.0.
      I think that gbm can provide the correct answer.

      BTW, is the liborigin3 repo at [2] what you call upstream?

      Best regards.


      • Alexander Ploumistos

        Hi Fellype,

        To be honest, I don't know what is (or where is) the upstream version.
        The latest version hosted at SF site [1] is numbered as 2.0.0. But inspecting the 3rdparty/liborigin/ file in the SciDAVis source code we see that the version shipped with it is numbered as 3.0.0.

        I was referring to the liborigin repo hosted here on SF. The last release was indeed 2.0.0, but if you look at the git log, you'll notice there's been considerable development since last March. Plus, in CMakeLists.txt the library version has been bumped to 3.0.0. In fact, both versions -the one in SciDAVis and upstream liborigin- differ by only a few commits.

        I think that gbm can provide the correct answer.

        True, he has been working on both projects.

        I was asking because there are implications for the way the library will end up in Fedora, e.g. bundled vs unbundled, upstream source, etc..

        BTW, is the liborigin3 repo at [2] what you call upstream?

        I set up that github repository while experimenting with the build tooling in Fedora. You can ignore it, I will delete it sometime soon.

  • gbm

    gbm - 2017-08-07

    The upstream liborigin code [1] has some LabPlot specific adjustments.
    So far, there is no LabPlot 2.x release that uses liborigin, only the development git repo [2], that compiles and links liborigin code but does not (yet) import the obtained data into a LabPlot project. Thus, some changes in the API are still possible.

    The liborigin code in SciDAVis has already been tested on several Origin files.

    Eventually both versions will be merged in a single version that could be independently installed as any other library and used by SciDAVis, LabPlot, or any other program that needs to use the data stored in Origin files.



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