
#215 captured pieces are using wrong colors



When a piece is captured the color of the piece is reversed as we can see on this board where black took a pawn. it's not a major issue but I'd like to fix. if possible of course...

Thanks in advance,
Bests regards,

1 Attachments


  • Uwe

    Uwe - 2023-12-10

    Hi Denis,
    the sidebar shows the material difference not the captured pieces. In your position white is a bishop up and black is a pawn up.
    Example: If on both sides all pawns are captured then the sidebar show nothing, because the difference is null. If the sidebar would show the captured pieces then the sidebar had to show 8 black and 8 white pawns.

  • Denis Jeanneret

    Denis Jeanneret - 2023-12-11

    Hi Fulvio,

    I agree that this is the expected current behaviour. My request was more oriented to reach a “visual enhancement” with the main idea that players usually prefer to see the exact captured material.

    Currently it’s more disturbing than usual. In my example if I take a quick look on that black pawn I could think I won a pawn.. no no, it could lead to an understanding of the position. (I agree if I'm really too disturbed). ;-)

    But Ok, this is the way you choose for the evaluation bar and going on my way could be more difficult to code. well, you can close this SR.

    Thank you for your appreciated answer,
    Bests regards,

  • Fulvio

    Fulvio - 2024-01-30
    • status: open --> closed

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