
SchoolMate 1.0 Released

SchoolMate 1.0 is now available!

A working example can be found at

The installation process is still in it's infancy, so here is a little bit of guidance. First, you must have a webserver that can process PHP pages. Second, set up MySQL and add a user for the new database that will be created.

Next, use the SchoolMate.sql file to create the required database and SQL files. This can be accomplished on the command line by the following command:

mysql < SchoolMate.sql

After that is finished, put all the .php files (except for install.php. It is not finished) on your webserver. The root of the webserver will probably be your best bet. If you already have a website and you use the Apache web server, look into using a virtual host. Eventually I'll chane the program so it can run in any folder on the website.

Finally, open up index.php with your favorite text editor. At the top, the only configuration you'll have to do is modify the database variables. More than likely you can keep the servername at localhost, change dbuser to the username for your database, and change the password to match for that account. You can probably leave the database name at schoolmate, because that will be created by the SQL file, but if you've changed the name of the database, here's your chance to make the necessary change in the program.

Posted by Primate Applications 2004-08-02

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