
#86 Incorrect row count


I was trying to study the Joomla DB schema.

So, What I did is as follows:
- - Create two Joomla installations, One with the Test data installed, Other without it
- - Ran the following command
java -jar schema.jar -t mysql -o opfol/<DB Name> -dp "mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar" -host localhost -db <DB Name> -u lauda -p gaandmarao

After that, when I opend the index.html page from both the folders to know the difference in number of rows, Both showed exactly same data.

I have attached opfol.rar. Please get it from

It contins two RARs. One of them is jooj.rar other is jemp.rar.

joo.rar is the joomla db with sample data whereas jemp.rar does not have it.


- - Create two installation of Joomla CMS
- - While specifying the DB info, install sample data for one of them and not for the other
- - Run the command above to get the results


  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2009-04-15

    The only explanation that I can think of is that you ran against the same database both times or that the number of rows couldn't be retrieved.

    I don't have access to from the office, but I assume the row counts are populated with something other than 0 or -1 (an indication that they couldn't be retrieved), right?


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-02-26

    I just had the same problem. My sample data:

    DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS schemaspyonedata;
    DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS schemaspyotherdata;

    CREATE DATABASE schemaspyonedata;
    CREATE DATABASE schemaspyotherdata;

    CREATE TABLE schemaspyonedata.test (id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY);
    CREATE TABLE schemaspyotherdata.test (id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY);

    INSERT INTO schemaspyonedata.test (id) VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5);

    Ran schemaspy with -db schemaspyonedata -s schemaspyonedata, row count for test is 5, which is correct.
    Then I ran schemaspy with -db schemaspyotherdata -s schemaspyotherdata (and I know I ran it against this, because it is written in the result), row count for test is also 5, which is wrong, it must be 0 (I double-checked this by selecting the data manually in a mysql console – 0 rows).

    I can see the problem within net/sourceforge/schemaspy/dbTypes/
    select table_rows row_count from information_schema.tables where table_name=:table
    If you have two different schemas with tables of the same name, the row count of the first table with that name within information_schema.tables will be used.

  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2010-02-26

    Just let me know what the correct SQL would be for MySQL and I'll update the .properties file.



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