
#129 Excluded columns not listed correctly


The attached pdf file is from a page generated by schemaspy. Notice that the \"excluded from relationships\" list at the end is empty.

It shouldn\'t be empty. There are columns being excluded. Here\'s the command line:

java -jar \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\BirkettN\\My Documents\\downloads\\schemaspy\\schemaSpy.jar\" -dp \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\BirkettN\\My Documents\\downloads\\jtds sql server driver\\jtds-1.2.5.jar\" -t mssql05-jtds -db TRDev01 -s dbo -host C1DEVSQL01 -port 1433 -u sa -X \"(.*\\..*CVid)|(.*\\..*TextSysId)\" -i \"(Trade)\" -desc \"Trade Table\" -o \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\BirkettN\\My Documents\\reval architecture\\schemaspy output CURRENT COMPONENT\\trade with col excln\" -ahic -norows -noimplied

If I run it without the -X parameter, the various columns ending in CVid show lots of relationships, so the exclusion is working. The excluded columns just aren\'t listed at the bottom of the page.


  • Norm Birkett

    Norm Birkett - 2011-04-06
  • Norm Birkett

    Norm Birkett - 2011-04-06

    P.S.: The pdf omits the diagram. This is because sourceforge has a size limit on attachments. The problem occurs with our without the diagram.

  • Norm Birkett

    Norm Birkett - 2011-04-06
    • priority: 5 --> 3
  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2011-04-12

    For some reason I'm unable to reproduce the problem. I get the list of excluded columns.

    Does it consistently fail to include those details or does it vary by table?


  • Norm Birkett

    Norm Birkett - 2011-04-18

    I've done some more testing, and here's a possible clue:

    The example I originally provided was from a run of SchemaSpy that included exactly one table in its purview (the "Trade" table shown in the attachment). I have just run SchemaSpy again, this time with a different single table--and got the same (wrong) result. There are columns that have been excluded from the diagram's relationships (as comparison with output from a run without column exclusions shows), but the list at the bottom of the page is empty.

    In each instance, there was exactly one table that matched the table name regexp.

    More details available upon request.

  • Norm Birkett

    Norm Birkett - 2011-04-18

    During the testing that gave rise to my last clue, I noticed another problem--not sure if it's the same bug or a different one. See my second attachment. Here we have a table called "Calendar". Its column Aud_OperationCVid is excluded from the diagram's relationships. (A relationship shows up if I rerun with no column exclusions.) But it is not listed among the exclusions at the bottom of the page. (CalendarCenter.Aud_OperationCVid is listed, but not Calendar.Aud_OperationCVid.)

  • Norm Birkett

    Norm Birkett - 2011-04-18

    Example of second symptom/bug

  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2011-05-06

    Is there any chance of coming up with a simple test case for this? I assume it has to do with conflicts between -x and -X, but I can't know for sure without being able to reproduce it.


  • Norm Birkett

    Norm Birkett - 2011-06-15

    Sorry, John. I've not had time to work on this, but things are easing up a bit at present. I'll renew my efforts to get to it.


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