
SCFilterDesigner / News: Recent posts

Version 1.1

Hi everybody,

A new version is available after long time of waiting. Fortunately I was able to proove lots of concepts used in the previous and new version by means of ICs I actually designed and measured.

The new version includes the revised computation formulas for the different approximation methods that are feasible with SC circuits.

Still, I need your help regarding the modeling of other SC circuit variants, synthesizing filters and so on.... read more

Posted by Uwe Mayer 2009-06-03

Version 1.0

The first release is ready. All important features work. The next steps will be to improve the usability and to enhance the automatic filter creation.

! I need your assistance for computing the filter coefficients of Bessel, Cauer (Elliptic) and Chebychev Type II filters and of course a lot more !

Uwe Mayer

Posted by Uwe Mayer 2006-09-05

Changing to subversion

I will change to subversion now. The CVS directory will be unchanged.

Uwe Mayer

Posted by Uwe Mayer 2006-08-22