
Scalable Cluster Environment / News: Recent posts

ANN: SCE 1.0 released

Parallel Research Group
Department of Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University
Bangkok, Thailand.

Pround to Announce the Released of
SCE V1.0 (Scalable Computing Environment)
A truly integrated cluster software environment

What is SCE?

One of the problem with the wide adoption of clusters for mainstream high performance computing is the difficulty in building and managing the system. There are many efforts in solving this problem by building fully automated, integrated stack of software distribution from several well known open source software. The problem is that these set of software comes from many sources. and never been designed to work together as a truly integrated system. With the experiences and tools developed to build many clusters in our site, we decided to build an integrate software tool that is easy to use for cluster user community. These software tools, called SCE (Scalable Computing Environment), consists of cluster builder tool, complex system management tool (SCMS), scalable real-time monitoring, web base monitoring software(KCAP), parallel unix command, and batch scheduler. These software run on top of our cluster middleware that provides cluster wide process control and many services. MPICH are also included. All tools in SCE are designed to be truly integrated since all of them except MPI and PVM are built by our group. SCE also provides more than 30 APIs to access system resources information, control remote process execution, ensemble management and more. These APIs and the interaction among software components allows user to extends and enhance SCE in many way. SCE is also designed to be very easy to use. Most of the installation and configuration are automated by complete GUI and Web.... read more

Posted by Sugree Phatanapherom 2001-06-22