
Scat / News: Recent posts

scat 1.0.1 released

Scat 1.0.1 contains several bugfixes requited to make it compilable on every platform. Also, it has been included into Human Instrumentality Project.
We still looking forward for a new features which might be useful for scat.

Posted by Alhov Gennadiy 2003-01-31

Scat: v1.0.0 released

Finaly, v1.0.0 of scat has been released. With this version, scat is now powerful and useful tool to work with files - not only to print out there raw content like UNIX 'cat' do, but also to output file's hexadecimal dump (hexdump), and many more useful features.

Posted by Alhov Gennadiy 2003-01-23

scat 0.1.6 released - close to 1.0.0

scat version 0.1.6 has been released. This version is very close to official release, as it seems to support all required functions. Still, it requires several days of testing.
Version 0.1.6 supports keys which makes possible to output specific file, or read file list from several files.

Posted by Alhov Gennadiy 2003-01-21

scat 0.1.5 release

New scat 0.1.5 release is available to download.
Starting version 0.1.5 scat becoming more professional tool.
In version 0.1.5 there are new option available: -x, which makes scat print out hexadecimal dump of file instead of its raw text content. Also great number of features released and increased portability makes 0.1.5 very useful tool for daily work.

Posted by Alhov Gennadiy 2003-01-17