
Version 0.3-alpha released!

This is a major new release of Scarse. A lot of new functionality, and internals have undergone extensive changes. New image IO wrapper library supports reading both TIFF and PPM, and adding other formats is much less complicated now. Color adjustment has been added to cmap,
with automatic algorithm to handle negative film. Calibrate has been almost completely rewritten to allow for more flexible calibration data handling. Accuracy of ipb profile generation algorithm is significantly improved, especially in the shadows. Profiles now should be completely interchangeable with other CMS software.

This release took somewhat longer to finish than I expected, but I kept finding things that needed to be done :). In the end, the release was still a bit rushed (I'm moving to a different city next week), but I hope not too many bugs slipped through...

Posted by Andrei Frolov 2000-09-21

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