
#211 Index out of bounds when scrolling in dataset/tree selection

any future version
maybe bug #191

Before I tried to create a new session, Scaffold Hunter already reacted slowly. First it was not possible to set the title, because the focus was not set to the input field, when clicked. The only entry visible in the drop down menus for dataset and tree selection was the first one. Using the mouse wheel for scrolling returned the error message below in the console. The massage was repeated every time I tried to scroll via mouse wheel or arrow keys.

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException


  • Sven Schrinner

    Sven Schrinner - 2016-01-22

    Which version of SH did you use to get this error? The release version, the current trunk/master or anything from the cdk-branches?

  • Lina Humbeck

    Lina Humbeck - 2016-01-22

    I used scaffold-hunter-release-2.5.0-29-g60e5b48 which should be basically release 2.5.0 but with a solution for feature request 13 and bug report 205 (solution 2) kindly provided by Till.

  • Till Schäfer

    Till Schäfer - 2016-02-09

    fyi: g60e5b48 is the git hash

  • Till Schäfer

    Till Schäfer - 2016-02-11
    • Group: 2.6.0 --> any future version

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