
Conditions for a valid Fact


    Hiram MADELAINE - 2009-02-17


    I am evaluating SBVR and found your tool very usefull.
    I didn't find any documentation so I ask you this very tirvial question :
    What are the condition to create a valid Fact ?

    Thank you very much

    • Sharad Singh

      Sharad Singh - 2009-02-17

      Hello Hiram,

      you see the editor is in pre alpha mode and is under development, so currently you may find lots of bugs in it,

      a valid fact can be created if you have (term->verb->term...verb->term) type of connections on the editor or atleast a term->verb connection as given in the specification.

      what you have to do is press the ctrl button and click serially the objects of the desired fact one by one

      Example : for a fact "customer is driver", select "customer" object and then "is" object and then "driver" object

      now in the above binary fact "is" is the main verb around which your fact will be created, so you right click on the "is" object and select create fact, now if the editor finds that you are creating a valid fact then the fact will be created in the fact tab of the outline view, or else some error will be shown to you.

      if you still have problem then do post back i will sort it out for you :)

      Note: the "create fact" was not working in some machines and we have resolved that issue, so dont panic if it wont work for you also, we are going to make a milestone release shortly where this issue will be resolved

      • Hiram MADELAINE

        Hiram MADELAINE - 2009-02-17

        Thank you very much for your quick answer.
        It works fine.
        What I was doing wrong was that I also selected the connections.


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