
#13 Acer Aspire 1410 - battery and ac_adaptor working


After many hours of searching for a solution to my
battery and AC problem I came across this project
"Smart Battery System". I am glad that you implemented
this because it solved my problem.

I have an Acer Aspire 1410
Intel Celeron M machine

It is not a machine that you listed in your battery
support but; hey I tried it anyhow.

I dissassembled my DSDT using the instructions on the
Gentoo forum at:

I patched the resulting dsdt.dsl using your
acer-tm32xx-sbs-cm.diff patch (That machine is a
Pentium M centrino so I figured it "should work" and it
patched with no errors.)

I recompiled my DSDT using iasl.

I attached the DSDT to my initrd using the mkinitrd
command like this:

# mkinitrd -o initrd.img-2.6.10-5-386

(since I did not specify which kernel version to create
the initrd for mkinitrd assumed it was the one I was

I changed my grub menu.lst adding the new initrd.

Rebooted and double checked to see if the DSDT loaded
properly (btw if you don't get the following message it
did not load properly. I also did an override on the OS
definition just in case my DSDT favoured windows.)

ACPI: Overriding _OS definition to 'Microsoft Windows XP'
ACPI: Looking for DSDT in initrd... found (at offset
found customized DSDT with 23384 bytes!
ACPI: Using customized DSDT
ACPI-0294: *** Info: Table [DSDT] replaced by host OS

Anyhow now my battery and AC adaptor are there....just
like they should be

Thanks so much!

Bill Bryce


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