
freenas backup

  • samhill5215

    samhill5215 - 2010-05-07

    I'm attempting to backup to a freenas machine. I assume I have to use a remote directory in the destination tab since the local backup feature doesn't see any network folders. But I'm having trouble with the target. Do I use ftp or ssh. The username:password part is ok but no matter what I put after the @ the test fails. I'd appreciate suggestions and examples.

  • Ian McEwan

    Ian McEwan - 2010-05-08

    I would like to piggyback on samhill's query with the same request.  I am a newbie to ubuntu having just installed 10.4 and want to backup to a 1TB HD on my network.  I can see the drive in Places/network and can add and delete files and folders but cannot set the destination in Simple Backup.  Like samhill5215 I would appreciate some other examples and advice.

  • Ian McEwan

    Ian McEwan - 2010-05-08

    I have now been able to successfully set the destination.  I mounted my 1TB drive and then when I hover my pointer over the name in Places it showed "smb://buffalo/share/" - buffalo being the make of HD and share being the name of the folder.  I created a folder within that called 'archie' and one called 'documents' inside that.  I then set the destination in Simple Backup to"smb://buffalo/share/archie/documents"  - no ssh, no name, no password.    Running 'test' then gave me a green tick!!  I saved the settings and hit 'backup now".  I got a window saying backup process running in background and an ID #.  I am now waiting to see when it actually does it?

  • samhill5215

    samhill5215 - 2010-05-09

    I tried something similar to this in my attempts to set the destination using the samba designation (smb://….) and got the green tick, the background backup and the id but nothing more. I didn't report it because nothing was ever written to the network shares and I found no trace of the background process. I'd be interested to know if your results were different archkidd.

  • Ian McEwan

    Ian McEwan - 2010-05-11

    I got nothing just like you.  I have since tried setting the program to all the defaults and running it and that has done nothing either!!  I can't find any backup even on my own machine.  This so called 'Simple' backup seems to be anything but….


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