
ssh with key?

  • Peter Rosenberg

    Peter Rosenberg - 2006-12-10

    I do not want to save the password in clear-text and would like to connect to the server with the ssh-key. Is it possible to direct sbackup to use a key how it would be done using "ssh -i directory/id_rsa user@address"?
    Thanks for help.

    • Aigars Mahinovs

      Aigars Mahinovs - 2006-12-11

      sbackupd (the script that actually does the backing up) calls GnomeVFS as the root user, so it should work if you set up passwordless (key-based) authentication for the root user. So try copying that id_rsa file to /root/.ssh/ and see if that works. I have not tried it myself.

    • Peter Rosenberg

      Peter Rosenberg - 2006-12-11

      Thanks for the quick answer.
      I tried this and it works correctly. The drawback of this solution is, that I must grant root-access on the server.
      Is there no way to tell sbackup to use a specific key-file of a user? The best would be, if sbackup tried to use the key-file of the specified user in the ssh-string.

      • Aigars Mahinovs

        Aigars Mahinovs - 2006-12-11

        I assume that you can use such configuration:

        destination url - ssh://somemuser@server/remote/dir/

        /home/someuser/.ssh/authorized_keys    <--


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