
gnomevfs.CancelledError: Operation cancelled

  • tomceupers

    tomceupers - 2006-12-17

    Configured SBackup to transfer files to a local FTP server. Connection works well, but SBackup does not transfer data.

    The following message appears when running SBackup from a terminal using "sudo sbackupd":
    <Start terminal output>
    I: Securing target directory at: ftp://username:password@
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/sbin/sbackupd", line 528, in ?
        pickle.dump( gexclude, gnomevfs.create(tdir+"excludes", 2) )
    gnomevfs.CancelledError: Operation cancelled
    </End terminal output>

    My /etc/sbackup.conf file looks like this:

    <Start sbackup.conf file>
    regex = \.mp3,\.avi,\.mpeg,\.mkv,\.ogg,\.iso
    maxsize = 10485760

    /media/ = 0
    /var/cache/ = 0
    /var/ = 1
    /home/ = 1
    /var/spool/ = 0
    /var/tmp/ = 0
    /usr/local/ = 1
    /etc/ = 1

    purge = log
    maxincrement = 7
    lockfile = sbackup.lock
    target = ftp://username:password@
    format = 1
    </End sbackup.conf file>

    Any ideas on how to solve this?

    • tomceupers

      tomceupers - 2007-01-02

      Deleted Simple Backup Solution temporarily because it ain't so simple after all. ;-)

      I do like the idea behind SBackup, so hopefully there's a solution coming soon...


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