
temporary files from aborted backup?

  • stk2

    stk2 - 2006-07-19

    sbackup did a regular incremental backup on an ubuntu system, which should have been written to an external disk. As this was not mounted at the time, it apparently tried to do a full backup to a different folder. I received a "root partition full"-warning and found that within a short time, about 5 GB of my root partition had been gobbled up (the size to be expected for a full backup). After a restart, I found my root partition still almost full. I assumed that the backup files must be out there somewhere, but I haven't been able to locate them. No, they are not in the /var/backup dir, and baobab does not report any more than the expected equivalent of 30% disk space being used.

    Could it be that temporary files have been left somewhere hidden away, unseen but to the prying eye of the partition monitor?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated,

    yours stk2

    • stk2

      stk2 - 2006-07-19

      Not that I believe in that sort of thing, but it seems that the computer gods have some sense of humour. A short while after my post, I stumbled upon the solution: sbackup had simply created a directory with the name of the volume that should have been mounted within /media, physically writing the files into the /media-subdirectory of /. Removing them instantly cleared my disk.

      May the schwartz be with you all,


    • Johan

      Johan - 2006-10-28

      sbackup ate up 15 gb of my / directory and I don't quite understand by stk2's message how to found those files and delete them.

      I did a backup of my user folder, and my home-folder is a separate partition mounted in /home and is much bigger than the root partition.

      Because of this I set up sbackup to save the backup on a separate partition, but my root partition was eaten up anyway until is was compleately full.


      • Aigars Mahinovs

        Aigars Mahinovs - 2006-10-28

        Are you sure that the path you configured to backup to is mounted when the backup is happening? For example if you configure to make a backup to an usb drive at /media/backupdisk/backup/ and at the time of the backup the drive is not attached, then sbackup will happily make a folder of the same name in the root partition and write the backup there.
        Posting your configuration file could help me see the problem.

        • Johan

          Johan - 2006-10-28

          Ah, I looked in the configuration file and now I found the backup folder: /home/root/desktop. Then I went into sBackup and Desktop was chosen. So I guess nothing was wrong here.

          But I did try to make a backup to /home before that and my root partition got full. That's strange since I got another partition mounted in /home.

          I will try again. I'll be back..


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