
Destination > Use a remote site text box

  • Jack Elliott

    Jack Elliott - 2010-10-20

    I want to edit the destination in the "Use a remote site" text box, but sbackup is not accepting any keystrokes there. It's uneditable - delete, backspace, characters, nothing changes the string there.

    Is this configuration data kept in a file I can open and edit?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-21

    You change that by first clicking on the 'Connect' button.  It will bring up a window where you can change all of that.  My problem is that I'm trying to connect to a remote computer like and sbackup keeps returning no route to host.  This is an ssh connection that I'm trying.  I can connect to the remote machine using an ssh connection in terminal so I know the address is valid.



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