
Log files? Backup results?

David Wood
  • David Wood

    David Wood - 2007-04-26

    Hi - where are messages related to the backup logged?

    How can you tell the status of a backup - if it succeeded? What files were backed up?

    • freesitebuilder

      freesitebuilder - 2008-03-06

      I'd like to know the answer to this - is there any way, apart from checking the backup disk to see if the file is there?

    • R P

      R P - 2008-06-07

      You can use the Simple Backup Restore program.  Mine's under System->Administration on Ubuntu Hardy.

    • Tim Johnson

      Tim Johnson - 2008-07-21

      Performing a test 'restore' is a VERY important part of doing a backup. You would be surprised how many times large IT organizations have discovered that all of their backups did nothing more than fill up media with unusable bits.

    • Steve McAtee

      Steve McAtee - 2008-10-29

      What if you know it failed!!!  Is there a log somewhere to tell you what happened??

    • Robert Mosher

      Robert Mosher - 2008-11-02

      I agree there needs to be a log of some sort. I'm using a laptop so I could easily hibernate or shutdown in the middle of a backup without knowing it. The only way I know if a backup happened is if there is a new directory in my backup folder. But the only way to know if it's complete is to extract the files and compare them against the originals.

  • Malcolm Gorman

    Malcolm Gorman - 2010-06-18

    I installed sbackup this morning, set it to backup hourly (so I can see that it's working), gave it the address of my external hard drive and clicked the test button, and clicked on the Backup Now button.

    After I clicked the test button, the destination directory I specified (which didn't already exist) was created by sbackup. That suggests to me that permissions are okay.

    I haven't seen any files in that backup directory, so I know it's not working, for some reason.

    That's not so much a problem, except that I don't know WHY it isn't working, so that I can fix the problem.

    Does anyone know where sbackup logs its activity?

    Regards, Mal.

  • Jocelyn Courcelles

    Hello Mal

    See the following bug and his solution in the section Trackers / Bugs ;)

    sbackup not writing to disk since Ubuntu 10.04 - ID: 2996590


  • Malcolm Gorman

    Malcolm Gorman - 2010-06-18

    Backup files not generated. Where are sbackup logs?

  • Malcolm Gorman

    Malcolm Gorman - 2010-06-18

    I am trying to diagnose and fix a problem where sbackup does not write to the backup directory on an external drive.

    I am puzzled that I have been able to copy files to the external drive using the stock standard Ubuntu Places file utility - which I'm presuming means there aren't any permissions problems.

    And when I set up sbackup to back up to the same external drive, it created the backup directory I specified, and tested okay that it could write to it.

    But when I asked sbackup to back up now, it didn't. It started its background process, but quickly died.

    I'm a bit of an idiot-savant when it comes to system administration - more idiot than savant. I've scripted rsync, but I haven't a clue how to mount the above-mentioned external hard drive so I can cd to it and check (and change) its permissions.

    Does sbackup write to a log file somewhere that I can check?

    I've had a gander in /var/log but all I see there is the package manager as it was installing sbackup:

    mal@mal-laptop:/var/log$ egrep sbackup *.log
    dpkg.log:2010-06-18 08:14:52 install sbackup <none> 0.10.5ubuntu2
    dpkg.log:2010-06-18 08:14:52 status half-installed sbackup 0.10.5ubuntu2
    dpkg.log:2010-06-18 08:14:53 status half-installed sbackup 0.10.5ubuntu2
    dpkg.log:2010-06-18 08:14:53 status half-installed sbackup 0.10.5ubuntu2
    dpkg.log:2010-06-18 08:14:53 status half-installed sbackup 0.10.5ubuntu2
    dpkg.log:2010-06-18 08:14:55 status unpacked sbackup 0.10.5ubuntu2
    dpkg.log:2010-06-18 08:14:55 status unpacked sbackup 0.10.5ubuntu2
    dpkg.log:2010-06-18 08:15:13 configure sbackup 0.10.5ubuntu2 0.10.5ubuntu2
    dpkg.log:2010-06-18 08:15:13 status unpacked sbackup 0.10.5ubuntu2
    dpkg.log:2010-06-18 08:15:13 status half-configured sbackup 0.10.5ubuntu2
    dpkg.log:2010-06-18 08:15:14 status installed sbackup 0.10.5ubuntu2

    In a nutshell, because sbackup was able to create the directory I specified, I expect the problem is not one of permissions. But a lot file output would help me confirm that one way or the other. Is there a log I can look at?

    Regards, Mal.

  • Jocelyn Courcelles

    Hello Mal,

    I just start to look the code of this project last week because I was not able to do a backup.  You seem to have the same problem as I have.

    Take a look at this thread:
    The file you need to modify is located under this directory:  /usr/share/sbackup
    I hope this information will help you.

    About a log file for this application, I did not see anything in the code for now.  Also, according to comment 5 and 6, you are not the first person that looking for log file. 



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