
MalformedURLException with document() functio

Jim Neff
  • Jim Neff

    Jim Neff - 2004-12-27


    I'm having trouble using the document() function in my XSLT file.  Here is the code:

    <xsl:variable name="field_definitions" select="document('c:/temp/xmltest/field_definitions_nsf.xml')/records"/>

    This works with Saxon if I use the command line processor, but I'm trying to do it from .Net and it's throwing this error:

    An unhandled exception of type '' occurred in ikvm.gnu.classpath.dll

    Additional information: Absolute URL required with null context

    I've tried several different ways of referencing my xml document including, http://localhost/filename.xml, also:  file://c:/temp/xmltest/filename.xml

    Both of those work from the Saxon command line but again, not from within

    Can someone please help me?

    Jim Neff

    • Pieter Siegers

      Pieter Siegers - 2004-12-27

      Hi Jim,

      we're working on the problem to find a solution for you. I have forwarded your question to our lead developer M. David Peterson who does the job of building the Saxon.NET dll, and can handle your question directly at the code level.


    • M. David Peterson

      Hi Jim,

      Try one more thing:


      Adding the third "/" should invoke proper recoginition and  this should fix things.  If it does not let me know and I will dig deeper.



    • Jim Neff

      Jim Neff - 2004-12-28

      thanks David.   That was it.

      I have another question though, regarding carriage retruns.

      In my original xslt stylesheet, i used the command:


      to start a new line.  This worked fine when running Saxon from the command line but now I am trying to use it from a application and everything is appearing on one big long line. 

      I've tried the following:  "&#13;" ,  "&#xD;" , "&#xD;&#xA;"  ... and all combonation

      I see in the C# example it is searching through the ByteArray output and replacing "\u000A" with "\r\n"

      I tried including this into my VB.Net application (even tried vbCrLf instead of \r\n) but I can't seem to get any kind of carriage return to persist.

      Thanks in advance,
      Jim Neff

    • Pieter Siegers

      Pieter Siegers - 2004-12-28

      Hi Jim,

      if you want I can have a look at it; please send the project code in a zip to


    • Jim Neff

      Jim Neff - 2004-12-30

      I figured it out.  I found out that even with VB.Net you still need ASCII codes 13 + 10 for line breaks.  Apparently the rest of the modern world just uses ASCII 10.  I think if something only needs code 10 then it will ignore the extra 13 so this should be fairly portable now.

      My working code ended up being this:


      Thanks to all that helped.


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