
Feature Requests  Maximize  Restore

Showing 16 results of 16

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated
25 Support for thread safe XSLT 3 transformation parser in Saxon-HE Next_Release_(example) open 2020-09-15 2020-09-15  
24 Support for Java 9 XML Catalogs Next_Release_(example) open oneil 2016-09-13 2016-09-13  
23 Please commit to the Maven Version Numbers Scheme :-) Next_Release_(example) open 2013-05-31 2013-06-03  
22 Importing an xquery file from classpath None open 2007-12-13 2012-10-08  
21 Allow null outputProperties in XQueryExpression.pull None open 2007-08-10 2012-10-08  
20 Improve AntTransform None open 2007-03-13 2012-10-08  
19 dom in multi thread environment None open 2006-11-09 2014-08-11  
18 Provide Ant build file None open 2006-09-13 2012-10-08  
17 XSLT Macros None open 2006-05-19 2012-10-08  
16 Program Enhancement Request: Dynamic Variable Naming Next_Release_(example) open 2006-05-10 2015-01-17  
15 Allow setting of attribute quoting handling None open 2005-08-22 2012-10-08  
14 Change generation abortion into warning None open 2005-04-18 2012-10-08  
11 output methods html and xhtml: preserve whitespace None open 2003-03-18 2012-10-08  
9 Include improved support for XInclude None open 2002-07-30 2012-10-08  
6 Allow HTML-style char. repres. for XHTML None open 2002-02-12 2012-10-08  
4 Optimise xsl:key match pattern None open 2002-01-28 2012-10-08  
  • Ticket Number
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