
Error starting Tomcat 3.3 with new Saxon 6.44

  • Juergen Fey

    Juergen Fey - 2001-07-08


    I am using Tomcat 3.3 with a older Saxon (6.0) and JDOM. After exchanging the Saxon jar with the new one Tomcat no more loads giving the following exception:

    Tomcat FATAL: configuration error
    javax.xml.parser.ParserConfigurationException: AElfred parser is namespace-aware

    So Tomcat gets a problem reading its own configuration files. I moved Saxon
    at the end of the Classpath but no change.

    Any ideas?


    • Michael Kay

      Michael Kay - 2001-07-08

      It seems Tomcat (a) gets a parser using the JAXP javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory system property, and (b) requires a parser that allows namespace ssupport to be switched off. AElfred doesn't allow this, so you need to arrange for javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory to identify some different parser (such as Crimson). You might be able to do this by putting the JAXP 1.1 jaxp.jar as the first thing on your classpath; read the JAXP spec for other suggestions.

      Mike Kay

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2001-07-23

      I assume that the parser that is specified will
      also be use by SAXON,  with that in mind, speed is important to me,  Is AElfred 'stripped down' for speed, or just size?  If for speed, do you recommend any specific parser for SAXON if AElfred is not an option?

      Thank you in advance.


    • Michael Kay

      Michael Kay - 2001-07-24

      AElfred is stripped down in the sense that it doesn't do XML validation, and it doesn't build a DOM tree (it only notifies SAX events). I've also tended to get rid of options and interfaces that Saxon doesn't use, especially in the area of namespace handling - though this is all handled in the SAX driver and not in the parser itself. You could regard removing SAX1 support in this category too. AElfred was designed from the first as a lightweight parser, with good speed and diagnostics, a very small footprint, but minimal features; if you want something that validates, builds a DOM, offers 100 different character encodings, and cooks your breakfast, you'd be better off with Xerces. - MK

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2001-07-24


      Thank you for your time. We use SAXON and its speed is the most important/only feature that matters to us for choosing a parser. So I guess what my question is, because we cant use AElfred (because we need to have tomcat running with Saxon) do you recommend any specific parser for SAXON if AElfred is not an option when speed is the only important feature.  Again,  I really appreciate your time, as well as you books!


      • Michael Kay

        Michael Kay - 2001-07-24

        I guess my next choice would probably be Crimson - but that's not based on any detailed evaluation.
        - MK