
Question with full version saxon 6.22

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2001-07-30

    I have downloaded the full version of saxon 6.22.
    But when I try to type the following:
    java com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet xxx.xml xxx.xsl > xxx.html,
    it said:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/icl/saxon/StyleSheet.

    I would like to ask what the problem is.
    Thanks for your attention.

    • Michael Kay

      Michael Kay - 2001-07-30

      This error message means that the file saxon.jar is not on your classpath. Note that the classpath should include saxon.jar itself, not the directory containing it.

      Also, note that 6.2.2 is not the latest version (but this isn't the cause of your problem).

      Mike Kay