
Problem with creating html from xml

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2001-07-18

    >Dear sir,
    >I have a problem with my servlet file.I want to create
    >html  file from the xml file using xslt through xsl
    >processor.My 1st servlet creating xml file which is
    >taking data from data base and 2nd servlet convert
    >that xml file to html.
    >My first servlet working perfectly.But when I
    >communicate two servlet through sendRedirect()
    >method.Server giving error:-
    >{500 Internal Server Error
    >The servlet named xlm1 at the requested URL
    >reported this exception: Read timed out. Please report
    >this to the administrator of the web server.}In 2nd
    >servlet saxon.bat file converting xml to html
    >file.Please guide me where I done a mistake.
    >Here is my 1st servlet:-
    >import org.apache.crimson.tree.*;
    >import org.w3c.dom.*;
    >import java.sql.*;
    >import javax.servlet.*;
    >import javax.servlet.http.*;
    >import org.apache.crimson.parser.*;
    >public class xlm extends HttpServlet
    >      public void doGet(HttpServletRequest
    >req,HttpServletResponse res)
    >      throws ServletException,IOException
    >         {
    >               res.setContentType("text/xml");
    >               PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
    >                  try{
    >                                        Connection con=null;
    >                                        Statement st ;
    >                                        ResultSet rs;
    >                                        String itemName;
    >                                        String itemDescription;
    >                                        String add ;
    >                                        String city ;
    >                                        String country;
    >                                                ElementNode   item;
    >                                                ElementNode name ;
    >                                                ElementNode desc ;
    >                                                ElementNode address ;
    >                                                ElementNode cityname;
    >                                                ElementNode
    countryname ;
    >        XmlDocument   xmlDoc = new XmlDocument ();
    >ElementNode   items =
    >Writer out1 = new OutputStreamWriter(new
    >st = con.createStatement();
    >String sQry = "SELECT NAME, SNAME, ADDRESS,
    >        rs = st.executeQuery(sQry);
    >        while(
    >                        {
    >                          itemName = rs.getString("NAME");
    >                          itemDescription = rs.getString("SNAME");
    >                          add = rs.getString("ADDRESS");
    >                          city = rs.getString("CITY");
    >                          country = rs.getString("COUNTRY");
    >        item = (ElementNode)xmlDoc.createElement("ITEM");
    >        items.appendChild (item);
    >         name =
    >         item.appendChild (name);
    >        name.appendChild(xmlDoc.createTextNode(itemName));
    >        desc = (ElementNode)xmlDoc.createElement("SURNAME");
    >        item.appendChild (desc);
    >        address =
    >        item.appendChild (address);
    >        address.appendChild(xmlDoc.createTextNode(add));
    >        cityname = (ElementNode)xmlDoc.createElement("CITY");
    >        item.appendChild (cityname);
    >        cityname.appendChild(xmlDoc.createTextNode(city));
    >        countryname =
    >        item.appendChild (countryname);
    >                                }
    >                                  xmlDoc.write (out1);
    >                                   out1.flush ();
    >                                  con.close();
    >                                }
    >                catch(Exception ex)
    >                  {}
    >      }
    >2nd servlet file:-
    >import java.util.*;
    >import javax.servlet.*;
    >import javax.servlet.http.*;
    >public class xlm1 extends HttpServlet
    >        {
    >          public void doGet(HttpServletRequest
    >req,HttpServletResponse res)
    >                throws ServletException,IOException
    >                {
    >                         res.setContentType("text/html");
    >                         PrintWriter out=res.getWriter();
    >                         BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader( new
    >                        String line1 = b.readLine();
    >                        while((line1=b.readLine()) !=null)
    >                                {
    >                                   FileWriter f1=new
    >                                   f1.write(line1);
    >                                   f1.close();
    >                                }
    >                          Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
    >                          Process p=null;
    >                          try
    >                                {
    >                                  p=r.exec("c:\\saxon.bat");
    >                                }
    >                          catch(Exception e)
    >                                {
    >                                  out.println("Error from execution" +
    >                                }
    >                        out.println("Your file created successfully");
    >                   }
    >                }
    >With Regards

    • Michael Kay

      Michael Kay - 2001-07-23

      I'm sorry, but there's no evidence that your problem has anything to do with Saxon, and I can't help you with general servlet programming problems.

      Mike Kay