
What commandline makes dtdgen work?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2002-02-08

    After spending the better part of 2 hours trying to figure out how to get the dtdgenerator 7.0 to run I give up. I'm working on a windows ME-machine. I do have saxon 6.5 full running. This leads me to the assumption that everything I need on my machine to run the dtdgen is also there. But I cannot construct a commandline which makes it run. Searching in java-documentation did not help. It says nothing about the command-line.
    So the question is where do I find the information I need?

    w.k.g. frans rops

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2002-02-11

      Today I spoke to a java-programmer. He couldn't help me, but he did suggest an alternative. So after a hefty download I know have java 1.3.1_01 running. After 10 minutes reading in the docs and testing with batch-files I had saxon and dtdgen working.
      Though java is interesting I don't want to fall into the "cascading trap". That is why I put the question on the forum. The objective is to learn XML and related X-stuff and not java (maybe later when I have plenty of time :-).

      w.k.g. frans rops

    • Michael Kay

      Michael Kay - 2002-02-18

      If Saxon 6.5 is running then you already have a Java VM on your machine and you should not need to download another.

      The command line is documented in the dtdgen.html file as:

      java DTDGenerator inputfile >outputfile

      but if you use it with the Microsoft Java VM, the "java" command should be "jview".

      Mike Kay

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2002-02-19

        The information in the dtdgen.html file was my starting point. Replacing java with jview did not work. Since saxon 6.5 was working I assumed the command-line and/or environment for jview was the culprit. I tried quite a few commandlines but I could not get it to work. The problems came down to 2 possibilities:
        a)it would run, say something about missing functions and produce an outputfile of 0 bytes.
        b) it would run and say it could not find the input-file.
        These problems persisted even if I specified full pathnames for everything jview needed to find. Placing all the files in one directory did not help. Placing all the files in one directory and still specify full pathnames did not work etc... I still think it is a environment problem with jview. I simply could not find the information I needed in the supplied documentation to construct the proper commandline.
        I don't mind using java, it runs faster on my machine anyway and I'm planning to install Suse linux on my machine if I can find an editor as handy as the crimson editor I know use to make my xml-files.
        Thanks for the reaction.

        w.k.g frans rops