
XSD 1.1 version namespace

Tim Cook
  • Tim Cook

    Tim Cook - 2012-12-15

    Last edit: Tim Cook 2012-12-15
  • Michael Kay

    Michael Kay - 2012-12-17

    This is in fact a unilateral interpretation of the JAXP specification by the Xerces implementors, but it seems a good idea, so we intend to copy it in Saxon 9.5.

  • Michael Kay

    Michael Kay - 2012-12-17

    Actually, this URI is not intended as a namespace URI and it should not be used as such. I may be wrong, but I think that what Xerces has done is to allow this URI to be used in the JAXP service interface to allow JAXP clients to request an XSD 1.1 processor. The namespace used in the schema document should still be