
SaVi 1.5.0 satellite constellation visualization software released

SaVi is software for simulation and visualization of satellite orbits, especially satellite constellations such as Iridium, Globalstar and O3b.

The SaVi 1.5.0 release (September 2016) allows coverage maps to be saved directly as GIF image files, enables saving of animated coverage maps as gifanims by using gifsicle, adds ability to load TLE elsets directly from web, works to improve building on SGI Irix, handles Tcl's interp->result being considered deprecated in Tcl 8.5 and strongly discouraged in 8.6, fixes dynamic coverage compilation error seen in recent clang, fixes path-setting problems in launch script, includes instructions for building under Windows 10 Anniversary Edition, removes legacy numesh.oogl and has texturemapping always on.

Posted by Lloyd Wood 2016-09-04 Labels: satellite 3D OpenGL

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