
Tree [f727a8] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 bin 2011-09-07 ac-sauer ac-sauer [f727a8] 09.06 - added progress bar display when scannin...
 packages 2011-09-07 ac-sauer ac-sauer [f727a8] 09.06 - added progress bar display when scannin...
 src electronics2 2011-09-07 ac-sauer ac-sauer [f727a8] 09.06 - added progress bar display when scannin...
 README 2011-09-07 ac-sauer ac-sauer [f727a8] 09.06 - added progress bar display when scannin...
 autoexec.cfg 2011-09-07 ac-sauer ac-sauer [f727a8] 09.06 - added progress bar display when scannin...
 electronics.cfg 2011-09-07 ac-sauer ac-sauer [f727a8] 09.06 - added progress bar display when scannin...
 electronics2.bat 2011-09-07 ac-sauer ac-sauer [f727a8] 09.06 - added progress bar display when scannin...
 readme_source.txt 2011-08-30 ac-sauer ac-sauer [3ebbc8] switched to sauerbraten svn

Read Me

    S a u e r  e l e c t r o n i c s  2

    Copyright (C) 2011 cm|ac

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

1. Installation (windows): 

Install Sauerbraten Justice Edition.
copy everything into main sauerbraten directory. Only file that might be overwriten
is autoexec.cfg. Afterwards run electronics2.bat.

Compile instructions: (windows & linux) 

Install Sauerbraten Justice Edition (needed for media files, maps, sounds).
Download source (git or zip). Open code::blocks project sauerbraten.cbp in 
code::blocks and compile (on linux you need some dependencies installed; see
Then copy One file (sauerbraten binary) into sauerbraten/bin and run the game.
If you want to use make on linux you will have to correct make file to include libraries
inside lib/mylib (only needed for minecraft level loading) into build process.

Minecraft loading: type /loadminecraft in sauerbraten game console and follow instructions

2. Electronics Usage:

Example map electronics2.ogz with parts legend  included in zip (do /map electronics2 to 
load it inside game). It is necessary to know the basics of editing in Sauebraten 
(selecting, creating cubes, changing texture for one face/all faces, copy, paste).

1. - To start draw selection around circuit in editmode (using gridsize >= 4) and press o.
 Parts will be automatically loaded (or updated) and wire recognition will link parts 
together. To reset elements/textures to scan state type /escan 1

2. - To clear all circuit data and scan selection into new circuit press p in edit mode.
So to just clear select empty cube.

3. - To manually toggle element point to it in non edit mode and press middle mouse button.
   with /einfo you can get selected parts information (edit mode).

4. - To run one step of simulation press o in non edit mode.
   To run simulation in realtime (un)pause it by pressing p in non edit mode.

notes. - simulation run  by default every 100 msecs (so not faster then 10x/s). This can
be adjusted ingame by changing "simspeed" variable in cubescript.
	- only cubes with bottom wire texture (green) act as wires for transmitting signal;
 other cubess are ignored when recognizing wire

Basic description of circuit:


- active circuit parts: torch AKA "minecraft redstone torch", pulse generator
- passive circuit parts:  wire, LED
- manually controled parts : switch, torch 


- parts are identified by their bottom textures only. Other side textures might define
additional properties (like period for pulse generator)
- current propagation through wires: wire part1 is connected to wire part2 if part2 face has
full contact with full cube defining part1: 
this is connected:
* 1 ** 2 *

this is not connected:
***** ****
* 1 * * 2*
***** ****
- torch on outputs its signal from its top face only
- if torch receives signal it turns off
- if torch  doesnt receive any signal it turns on
- LED is on if signal is present; otherwise its off
- pulse generator must be powered to be active (from any side but top).
 it outputs signal from its top face only. pulse generator is off for n steps
 then on for n steps, repeat... n is defined by top texture id.


09.06 - added progress bar display when scanning elements/wires
09.04 - recursive octree scanning for elements works correctly when using larger>4 gridsizes now; 
        even When several elements are joined after remip in one bigger cube
09.03 - neighbor wires can be isolated from each other (target wire part is connected only if it
        has full contact on its face; i.e. no gaps in target element)
08.30 - switched to sauebraten svn; using sauerbraten vectors now instead of standard c++ ones
08.27 - custom open gl rendering of cubes for faster display
08.25 - addition of pulse generator element
08.14 - start: element/wire recognition, torches, switches, LEDs, simulation,
        manual toggle (eset), clearing (eclear), scanning (escan), simulation (estep)


- 4 bit alu in the example map made by cm|chris.
- custom open gl rendering for cubes adapted from cm|wrack
- minecraft importer extracted and adapted from the minecraft viewer "Minutor" made by the Sean Kasun