

SARK - Shooting Attendance Record Keeper

SARK was developed from a need to keep a track of the number of pistol competitions attended during the year. It is a requirement under Australian law that to hold a pistol licence as a sport shooter that a set number of competitions or practice per class of pistol must be attended. SARK was a means to keep track of these attendances, but is developing into a more detailed application to keep track of a range of information related to the sport of shooting.

While SARK is predominately geared towards Australian Shooters, and in particular SSAA members, I hope it will prove useful to any shooter that wishes to track their shooting participation rates and also the ammunition that has been put through any particular pistol or rifle.

SARK has been developed using Java and the HSQL Database. Whilst the application has been written to run under Linux, predominately Gentoo Linux, it should compile and run under any environment that has the correct Java version.

The first release of the alpha code is now available in git. Hopefully work will progress fairly quickly to a first release soon.

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.